New.. Ct results

Hi, My name is Tara. I am 35 years old. I am all new to this careplace, so please bear with me. Brief history: reoccurring pituitary tumor. I have had 3 surgeries for it to include a craniotomy 19 months ago & it is already grown back. In the process of being evaluated for possible cushings disease by Dr. Ludlam out in Seattle. I am here on the east coast. Last week, I had to be admitted to the hospital for 3 days due to low potassium.

I am still not sure of what to make of this. I have been trying to
the dr to talk to me about the results since last Friday of my ct
scan that was done last week when I was in the hospital. The dr on
Monday that is the associate to the one I normally see said that its
nothing too serious, but that I need to get in to see the local endo
here to get the results even though they were the ones that ordered
the scan. The earliest I can get in to see the endo here is July
20th! I have been trying to get my pcm to tell me what is going on.
He did say on Monday that if I wanted to get a copy of the results,
I could. Well, hubby went by & got a copy of the results
yesterday. I have been trying to talk to my primary care dr about
the results. Left several messages & she has yet to return my phone

This is what the report says:

“The liver, gallbladder, spleen, adrenal glands, and kidneys are
unremarkable. Area of hypoattenuation is noted in the body/neck
region of the pancreas which measures approximately 1.9 x 1.3cm
slice position 57. This is adjacent to the superior mesenteric
artery bifurcation”

Then in the impression section of the report, it states:

“perhaps volume averaging with an area of hyperattenuation noted in
the body/neck of the pancreas. This could be artifactually hypodense
due to the enhancement of the adjacent arteries.”
“Hypoattenuation of the liver diffusely likely indicates component
of fatty liver disease”

Please be very honest with me. Does it appear to be a mass on the
pancreas? This hyperattenuation wasn’t there a year ago. Could this
be all related to the pituitary tumor that all of a sudden started
growing back earlier this year? Should I be concerned about all of
this? I have had upper right abdominal pain for a while now. The
fatty liver disease, I have known about that for a while now. I
have done some research on MENS1 after several people have suggested
that this could possibily be what is going on. What do you all
think? I also have a cyst on my neck that has been growing for the
last several months that the drs do not know anything about, but
know I am wondering if this could also be related. I have been
trying to ignore it. The mass on my neck is now about the size of a
pencil eraser & there is a small pebble size one next to it. Over
the last several years, I have had several large cysts removed from
my back & one from the back of my leg. Some of these had to be
removed in the operating room. They grew suddenly.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for all of your help
in this & thank you for being here for me.