Hi all!
I just found this forum. I have been living with (what they’re now calling) “recurrent acute pancreatitis”, idiopathic, for 14 years. That’s what was diagnosed after a couple of attacks, and then somehow it became “chronic”, but after just having EUS, I’m back to recurrent acute. I’ve just started back to work full-time after another several months out on TPN and such. At first, I was only getting sick about every 2-3 years, but I’m starting to average about one serious episode a year for the past 5 years (2-3 months each). Does anyone else have this? What are you doing for it?
I already take enzymes to help reduce the pancreas work-load, and I almost always have some sort of central line placed (currently a Hickman). On my first day back at work I found out I was losing my job (chalk up the fourth job lost due to this), and I’m not sure if I should seriously be considering SSDI…? Also, I did have an initial consult at Johns Hopkins new pancreatitis center, and it’s possible that they might offer me a pancreatectomy with islet cell auto-transplant. Has anyone else looked into this, or done it, or known someone who has? Did it help?
Thanks for any thoughts…