It all started the day I had a colonoscopy, when I got home I noticed my stomach was hurting, but I sorta blamed that in the air that was blown up in there for the colonsocsopy, the pain didn’t let up at all, and a week later I finally went to the ER, they run some test and said that the pancreas was acting up, and that I should stick to a bland or liquid diet for a few days and see if that helped, which I did, and it helped a little. I also asked could the colonsocopy that I had may have caused my problems, and he said more than likely and very possible
I done a follow up the next day with the Doctor that gave me the colonsocopy, and he confirmed what the ER doctor had said except for the fact that the colonoscopy would not have casued anything, my lever was 362 ( not for sure what he called it) I am like really new to all this, so overlook me, he wanted me to come back in 3 days and do more blood work ( which was this morning) so I did, but I have not got the results back as of this message post.
I am a 38 year old male, and I am a drinker, usually 4-6 beers 2-3 times a week, which is usually on weekends, and to be honest, sometimes I would binge drink, ( as many as 12) but not all the time. I have been drinking for about 4 years. Since all these problems, I have quit cold turkey, and not had a desire for a beer at all. So quiting drinking is not a problem at all for me.
Like I say, I am really new to all this, I hadn’t ever even heard of anyone having this problem in my life, I just need some input from other people, The Doctors only tell you so much, and like I said earlier one doctor told me one thing, and the other another, so I really don’t know who to believe, I am going to get a 3rd opionion next week.
But has anyone ever heard of getting a colonsocopy and then having this problem? I am just a whits ends here and don’t know what to do next.