Nightmares every night

I have nightmares EVERY single night. I have Panic Disorder and I’m suffering more anxiety than ever before.
What can I do about these nightmares?
Some of them cause me to wake, heart pounding and I go into a panic attack, they are so upsetting. Others are just regular old nightmares but I’m tired of it being the only thing I have to look forward to at bedtime. What can I do?

thanks ~jazz

No they’re not related to anything usually. Mostly they’re just seemingly meaningless but they are terrible nontheless.
Usually there’s someone trying to kill me and no one will help me. I’m always running from some kind of danger. Something or someone that’s wants to hurt me badly.

are they very vivid and have you experienced a terrifying event in your life?

Yes sometimes they are quite vivid but no, I don’t relate them to any trauma.
I have constant anxiety. Everything bothers me. Sleep is my only escape but then I have all these nightmares.

what kind of nightmares do you have and are they related to anything in particular?

i think that you should see someone about this problem and hopefully you can find relief for both your anxiety and nightmares. do you have panic attacks?

oops you did mention panic attacks. i apologize for that.

I have some suggestions, but not knowing you, they’re admittedly all shots in the dark.

  • check the side effects of meds you’re on, some like beta blockers are well known to create nightmares

  • make a list of the things in your waking life that you’ve been putting off, especially the ones with deadlines, prioritize, do ONE thing

  • check if there is something you need to get done that seems overwhelming (too big, too hard) and perhaps enlist the help of a friend to get you started

  • imagine MANY times during your waking day that youre being chased by someone/thing that wants to kill you, and that you turn around to face them (because the moment you do that in your dream, they usually become harmless)

  • draw yourself facing them, taking their weapon away, smacking their face, pulling their hair, laughing at them etc