No diet seems to work

Hey all, Ok I confess, I have zero appetite. I could care less whether I eat or not. Nothing sounds good and nothing tastes good either.

However, between 7PM last night and now, I have eaten 15 packages of teddy grahams, you know the ones, 100 calories per packet. Some of them are 150 calories per packet. What else have I eaten ?? NOTHING!!! I don’t have energy to cook, and even if I did, nothing sounds good. Nothing.

I ate 4 boxes of teddygrahams in 4 days. Which is why I bought the smaller packets. But it hasn’t stopped me.

I know I need to be eating a healthy diet. I KNOW that I do.

However, I am lactose intolerant, and I don’t like things with milk in them anyway. Like YOUGURT, ICK. Can’t eat the stuff.

What am I to do? Anyone else been trhough this terrible feeling of not caring what you eat, desperately knowing you need a good diet, but no idea how to go forth ?

I am 150 pounds overweight, and have gained 20 pounds since diagnosed with dercums, and beginning lycria. Gosh oh gosh I just feel so helpless. Every “diet” i look at has yougurt, or cottage cheese, or
something like that. Ugh.

I am lost. Every day I say to myself ok, I am just not going to eat anything anymore. Then I read about the poor woman who lost 25 pounds and now her aliens hurt her even more ? Who wants that ?

Yes, I am ranting. Yes, I am raving. I live on diet coke and crackers/cookiess. With an occasional bowl of oatmeal thrown in.

Well I am all wet, from being in the pool, so I am gonna go take a xanax and a shower. Then I will try to restrict my cinnamon graham cracker bears to just a couple of packages.

helplessly lost.

calle//carin in az

I know just how you feel. I am over 100lbs over weight, I work in an office that teaches nutrition and I usually can sell it pretty well myself, but do I eat and drink what I should? Absolutely Not. I just don’t really care, diets have never worked too well for me. I did the adtkins thing and went low carb, and I did manage to lose a little weight then once I got off the diet, it all came back and then some.
I felt so lousy it just didn’t really matter anymore. I hurt no matter what I do and dieting is stressful, not only emotional, but financial and the energy it takes to plan at least two seperate menus for each meal? Forget that I barely have the energy to eat much less cook!

I have taught my youngest son how to prepare a lot of his own meals, which makes me feel like a lowsy mother, because he doesn’t eat as healthy as he should, but he has always been a picky eater, no excuse though. He is a great kid. I don’t know what I would do without him. He still loves hugging me and telling me how beautiful he thinks I am and how much he loves me, it sure makes my day.

The first thing my husband does if I get home before him is look at the stove to see if I cooked then he gives me that “Again?” look it just drives me crazy. I really love coming home and eating a Poptart or a piece of cheese and bread. Anything I don’t have to stand over and cook.

Ok I am on a rant now. I guess we have similar issues aside from the aches and pains? Its all related to what this nasty DD has done to our lives. Where is the Xanax?

Your lives are mine! I do the same. I could go for days without eating. And yet, if there’s something like those Teddy Grahams around, I’ll eat until they’re gone. (PopTarts are one of my weaknesses, too.)

I try to keep fruit right near me, and pretzels, or other low fat things. But there aren’t that many, and it’s a pain to keep fresh fruit in the house at all times! I was proud of myself today that I actually “cooked” a couple of hotdogs for lunch. Whoohoo! The woman cooked! :wink:

My husband came home and made frozen fish filets and french fries for lunch so it was a rare day for me - I had two “good” meals, and only a few pieces of dark chocolate (the kind that’s good for you) besides.

I drink only water, though. I gave up Coke a couple of years ago, because “everyone” was convinced it was the reason I was heavy, because I really don’t eat a lot. I knew that I’d nurse a can of coke half a day, but it “looked” like I drank several cans a day - I always had one at my elbow. I rarely drank more than two a day. So now I drink only water besides my cup of tea in the morning. And you know what? My weight, after the initial weight gain of approx. 120 lbs, about 4 years ago, has stabilized. Go figure. I don’t miss the coke anymore, but sometimes, when I need to eat something, and I’m too weak to get anything but some saltines, and I’m eating saltines and water for lunch, I can feel a wee bit sorry for myself!
