I’m so worried. Can you wonderful people out there with bipolar or major depression tell me if I can expect my 25 year old son to live a “normal life”? The first 15 years of his life were fine, but it’s been 10 years since he started having trouble. He has a great pdoc now and is on a few meds that seem to help, but he stays in the house 95% of the time and in his room 85% of the time. How is he going to get better? He’s not like the schizophrenic guy down the block who talks to himself ( no insult intended). He appears “normal” in every way. We have daily conversations about everyday things. He is smart and kind and funny. But he just doesn’t function outside of the house.
Can you guys tell me the one or two things that helped you have a life? Do you feel that you are leading a normal life? I would appreciate it so much Hugs to you all!