Not been a good listener lately

I am sorry that I have not been a good listener lately. I thought it was my glasses, I thought it was the lyrica, I have been wondering why I have not been feeling well. I have been thinking it was everything else. I guess it is this stupid FMD. When I sit leaned back on the couch, just like normal, I have been getting headaches, neck and chin goes numb. This has been getting gradually getting worse.
I had both carotid arteries completely replaced. I still hear a bruit in the left side. I have a big bubble on the left carotid.
I guess I will make an appt. to see the doc.

Hi GIGI… How are you?I am so sorry I have not replied to your post. I think of you often, every time I sneak a cookie :P! I have not been good at returning messages on here or yahoo, I have been so busy getting things lined up for the annual meeting. I don’t check the sites daily. Your in my thoughts! Hugs, Kari