Not sure

I dont like doctors so I was searching the web for answers would like to avoid an office visit. but I am 40 and think I have this virus or a form of mono is that possible?

What makes you feel you have mono? Have you been in contact with someone who does? There are many symptoms of mono that are very similar to other health problems, I do not like going to doctors myself but really do feel it is better that you go and have a blood test to find out, it is the safest thing to do. As far as treatment of mono some doctors give antivirals to fight against the epstein barr virus some doctors do not. Mostly good diet and vitamins minerals, and rest rest rest, thats about the main things I have read and heard. I am 53 and have been fighting this virus for 8 months now anyone of any age can have this virus they say most people do have it their bodies and stays dorment but will reactivate in others .

I just went to the doc for the 3 week in a row, have been fighting with mono, (EBV) for 4 weeks now. My doc is one of those that does not like to treat with anything.

it is a long lasting mono but a blood test is imperative to know if u have ebv…rest is great,vitamins and good eating are swell…but it will not go away easy…and i was told by my doctor…that when they check the ebv they look for pancreatic and liver cancer too…as it sometimes mimics that…my spleen was swollen and i couldnt lay on my rt side…it went away with the anti viral meds…but ive had a flare up due to STRESS…and its bugging me.
dont push yourself too hard and go to the doctor.youll be happy u did.

One thng more about going to the Doctor, I agree that you need to go and have the proper test done and get a diagnosis. Be aware that many Doctors dont even believe tha EBV is real. I went to the doctor because I was feeling terrible, no energy, grumpy, digestive and intestinal problems, night sweats, heart pounding, enlarged liver and speen, …etc. The doc told me that I was getting older and these things are to be expected, he told me this for three years, I thought I was crazy. Then a friend recommended her doctor, I went and within a couple of weeks and several tests to rule out other posibilities I was diagnosed with CEBV. When my new doctor got the records from my old doctor, she was very upset as she looked back through the lab results for the prior 3 years and it was plain that there were elevated liver enzymes and that it was consistantly increasing with each test, not to metion thyroid numbers being way off as well. So, i guess the moral of the story is …You live in your body and you know when something is not right, dont let a doctor get away with telling you it is your age or its in your head, be persistant…

I totaly agree with Mellogirl I had very similar experience with my old doctor will be going to a new one this Friday. My old one kept telling me not a thing was wrong with me I insisted she do the EBV test as I knew my grandson had mono and alot of other people I know, anyway she finally did it after more less telling me I was crazy the test came back I was in acute stage of mono of course not a word did she say that she was wrong. Anyway stand your ground you know you do not feel right do not let anyone tell you any different. Hopefuly you will get a good doctor who listens .

I had to have blood test done again today to see what my EBV levels are , I went yeasterday to the doc, and he said my white blood count is up. He still insist that I have mono, he said for me to give it 2 more weeks , then we will go from there if my levels are still up. He also said give it time, that it takes mono several weeks to get over completely.
I guess that docs need to go back to school so they can wait…