Has anyone ever tried the Online pharmacy thing? I looked into it a little.They claim that if you send them a copy of your most recent medical records they’ll set you up with a Phone consult with a Licensed Physician and you can get the Meds you need shipped to your home. I wonder how true this is or if it’s a scam? As a person who doesn’t have Health Insurance and have problems getting my meds from month to month due to a Very judgemental Doc,I could sure use any info I can get. Thanx All! “Bricklayer” Bill
I'm finding if it sounds too good to be true, than it is.
I'd like to find one of those sites you can get meds WITHOUT and RX...but those are risky....don't really know what you're getting....yo ask for pain meds and you get birth controll. Drugs R Us. Oh well, it's a sad sad shame that we are resorted to options such as this.
Speaking of which, I'm out of vicodin again....I get 9 at a time....oohhh.
I saw one advertised in my own hometown.I’m like you though.I just wish my doctor could see what it’s like just for a little bit,and then maybe he wouldn’t be quite so stingy.Hopefully after I see the Neurologist he’s supposed to refer me to he’ll finally see that what I’m sayings not B.S. after all.
i agree, just be careful! i know a couple of people who use them and are pleased with them…i have also heard stories from people who are able to get any drugs they want without a script (sounds pretty cool to me…:) ) just research them well…find out if you can where they get their drugs…because alot of “companies” are able to duplicate the labels and the drugs and send you absolutely nothing or possibly something dangerous!
I wish these doctors could get very sick and very scared for a time. Then they might have a little bit more compassion. I don't know about the mail order rx's. Sounds good, but maybe too good. I totally agree with mommy though - they could be something that interacts with other meds (if any) that you take or something you might be allergic to, or just crap.
P.S. hugs to everyone (not too hard though - I wouldn't want to hurt you anymore!!)
That's what I was concerned about.Not gettin real help or just getting ripped off.The place I was looking requires you to speak with a doctor over the phone and to send them your latest medical records to verify your condition but it's all still scary to me.That's why I figured I'd come here and inquire about it with folks I can trust.Thanks All for your input.I just find it awful that we even have to consider options like this.Why can't doctors just practice what they preach. They call themselves "HealthCare Professionals" Look at those words carefully.First of all my health hasen't gotten a bit better but worse.Second,What's with all the Care thing? Everytime I see my doctor or any doctor for that matter,I don't see anything that makes me think that they care. The only thing that they seem to care about is the method of payment or type of insurance you give them.Third and final thing,I know I'm rambling on about things y'all already know but I'm venting a little. *LOL* Anyway,third thing is the word Professional,How do they figure they are professionals? In my line of work when you're a professional you are good at what you do,and are well qualified enough to get the job done right.There again,I'm not seeing any of that when I go to the doctors.As a matter of fact all the many doctors I've seen I wouldn't even rate as competent to practice medicine let alone Professionals. *LOL* Ain't it great what a little piece of paper like there diploma's give them the right to do.What a WONDERFUL Healthcare system we have here in this Country of ours.We can put men on the moon,send a sattellite probe to Mars to find water,but can't seem to find out the reason or even reasonable treatment for the problems that plague so many of our everyday lives. Sorry once again for all the complaining but sometimes I have to get all these things off my chest. Thanks all you Great people at Careplace,and all my Dear friends here.You know who you are! I Love you guys verrrrrry much!!!!!! "Bricklayer" Bill
Bill there is no need to be sorry here for genuine frustrations. I agree I spent so much time and money seeing Drs. for my crohns symptoms. I starting seeing Drs. for this problem at 12years old and it took until I was 32 to find Drs ho would listen to what I said and try to get answers for me. I was so near death by the time I found Drs. to help me. So many dismissed me say it was all in my head. Ya know I enjoyed the attention and used it as an excuse to be lazy. Our system is frustrating I agree.