Opinions Wanted Please

After discovering this site a week ago and becoming an expert on everyone else’s stories, I need some feedback.

I’m a baseball/softball umpire. As you’ve read, I’m come from a N family. Now the next generation is coming under my authority. They have all been systematically taught extreme disrespect for me.

They have been taught that the game is about them. It’s their ticket to the big leagues. Everyone else is just there as a supporting cast.

These kids are good, but believe me, not anywhere near that good.

I have asked not to be assinged to their games but a few slipped into my schedule.

The biggest problem I have is with the 14 year old girl and her mother’s attitude. “I blew my chance with those kids.”

A little background. Back in '82 the mother’s cousin choked me out, robbed me of $200 and left me for dead. His parent’s cut me a check when I involved the police. Nothing else was done because that would have interfered with my brother’s romance.
There was no outrage. Nobody in my family even made a gesture that they cared I was almost murdered. My brother’s romance was far more important. Hush Hush…

And before they were married my brother made a big point to tell me that his future wife’s brother thought I was a goofy bastard.

My brother claims to be my advocate and can’t understand why I won’t let him. I wouldn’t be his best man either. My advocate married into a family that almost murdered me and then has to let me know they think I’m a goofy bastard too…

My brother’s last words to me were, “Your day’s coming, I’m going to kick your ass.”

Now back to the kids that I’m supposed to umpire. In my view I should have a restraining order against these people. My life was almost ended by that family and from my family they want to kick my ass.

I’m already determined to not allow my brother on the field. That will be an ordeal in it’s self.

What about the kids? Do I keep them off my field. I had to do a game recently with the daughter, my niece, pitching. I didn’t make eye contact with her once. This is very awkward. This can’t continue.

My brother lost his little league team because the town didn’t like his approach. Seems they had a problem teaching the kids to taunt. He told me his own son said to him, “I’ll just fuckin’ quit.” He told me his son has a problem with anger.

My sister’s son, my nephew, had parents take their kids of his little league team. One parent was a good ball player and didn’t want his kid being taught this stuff.

The more I write the more I realize just how out of control this monster is. I could keep writing too. This is just the surface crap.

“Sports doesn’t build character, it reveals it”.- John Wooden

Help me please. I’m soliciting options, opinions, questions, sympathy??? This one has me stumped.

Thats the thing about these type of 'families"things are brushed under the carpet.
i wonder how such a lack of empathy has affected you…that your life could be judges as"valueless"by your so called nearest and dearest.

One other thought on the guy who choked me out, robbed me of $200 and left me for dead.

He sincerely apologized to me a couple years later. Man to man. It was very awkward to say the least. But it was the right thing to do.

I have more trust and respect for him then the anyone in my N family.

I fear my nephew is being raised just like his mother’s cousin. Damn, he was a good athlete, friendly guy. At least he was human enough to apologize when he didn’t have to. I think he got the life sucked out of him by that family.

WTF am I gonna do with this mess???

One of the responses I’m working on for when the unavoidable explosion does happen:

“Don’t blame me for this mess, if your half-assed cousin would’ve finished the job back then we wouldn’t be here today. Blame him.”

I’d like a video camera for their response to that line. Not that I would get any real satisfaction from that.

Judged valueless? In the family will I was told by my mother, brother and brother-in-law, with a hearty laugh and sly smile, that I get the “worthless” land. It wasn’t even covert or on the sly or even behind my back.

Raised valueless is more like it.

But what about the kids? Do I kick them off MY field? I have all the authority I need. I don’t want to make it a police matter. Do I cut the kids special treatment or teach them that rules are rules? It’s a huge conflict for me to be there in the first place.
Sounds like lose-lose for me. They should be thrown off the premises just for that.

MW131- I guess there is no other “nice” way to do it. I was hoping for a better way. I guess I was hoping they were better then this or that they would see the light. We all know that’s not going to happen.

I’ll keep it about the game when we’re on the field. It’s funny. They will respect me as an umpire, but not as a person or blood relative.

I would recommend that you pretend they are strangers and treat them no different than you do anyone else.

Kids like Ns only adhere to consequences…a bit of an’N injury’might do them good…and i dont mean physical…lol…kids have an excuse for bad behaviour…Ns dont.

That’s some serious stuff.MW131’s idea sounds good,the only other suggestion i have is to seek further experienced council,such as therapist who specialize in dealing with N’s.

I have found the book:

disarming the narcissist(Surviving and Thriving with the Self Absorbed)
by Wendy T Behary to be helpful.You will conquer this.

Thanks Healed…

Good suggestion. Although, the thought of me seeking therapy kind of goes against my belief that the tail doesn’t wag the dog. They will have driven me there. The sessions will be all about them. Them, Them Them. I’m not the one with the problem but I’ll be paying a lot of money to talk about them. Nothing will be resolved until one of them sees the light.

I understand that you recommend therapy for my own piece of mind. Thank you. Paying for it would drive me more mental then it would be worth though. Who knows, the therapist might have a nugget of wisdom that I need to hear. I’ll consider it.

What about covering my butt with the real authorities? I’m talking about making a police report, just so they have something on file so when this does come to the ultimate explosion, my butt will be covered. It would be easier to discuss calmly rather then after a heated confrontation. But then again, as history has shown the police don’t care about me either.

Any comments? Still sounds like lose-lose to me.

I just responded to this forum. Put a lot of time and energy into this and when I pressed “Reply to Thread,” it told me I needed to sign in—when I did, I lost the entire thing I wrote. It is so frustrating! Could someone let me know what’s going on? This has happened once before. By the way, I was already signed in.


Most likely your logged in session is timing out while you’re busy writing your message. It does it to me all the time, so its not a problem on your end. Websites basically log you off after so much inactive time, and unfortunately it doesn’t know you’re typing.

I’ve gotten into the habit of cutting and pasting my replies into notepad before I hit the “reply to thread” button, that way I never loose my work… I tend to take a while to finish my messages. Most forums suffer from this so its probably a good idea to write replies and posts in an offline editor.

I’d send Careplace some feedback too, because it is possible to program a website to remember your reply and post it even after you have to log in again.

I’m an IT guy so I hope I’m not babbling away…