Hi, Leanne–
On the patch issue… I have a problem w/adhesives and wear the patch (12 years now). What I do when I’m having a problem with it is spray a steroid inhaler (like Flovent, NOT a powdery one) on my skin first, then spray Skin-Prep (I like the one made by Smith & Nephew), which acts as a barrier between the skin and tape (a good thing for under any adhesive if you have an allergy-- and you can get little Prep pads to carry with you) and then apply the patch (covering it with a hand for about a minute or so to make sure it will stick better).
The other thing I do is to use it on the front of a lower leg, which for me hasn’t been as sensitive as when I use it on my chest or arm or back…
There’s some controversy over if the patch works down lower (it’s transdermal… through the skin… either way, but may take longer to start working initially) and also in using the Prep, that it may block the med’s effectiveness. I haven’t noticed much difference, except that I CAN use it when I do these things.
Also, if you’ve used the “patch,” I’m assuming it’s Fentanyl… and there’s a “lollipop” version which is transmucosal and won’t get lost in the GI tract. Its brand name is Actiq, but there’s a cheaper generic which is the same med from the same company although it’s labeled as a generic and under a different manufacturer’s name. There’s also another form that dissolves immediately in your mouth and goes through the tissues, not the GI tract.
A lot of us seem to be taking Viokase instead of Creon for enzymes. The docs and many users here have said that the Viokase helps more with pain than Creon.
Everyone else’s suggestions are also great!
Hope this helps–