Painful pooping

My little guy had his pull through about six weeks ago. Everything is going well, other than the diaper rash from hell and the fact that he is in pain when he poops. It wakes him at night whenever he has a poop. How long doen the painfull pooping last? Any advice or info would be great.

I noticed the same thing with my son. Not sure how old your little one is but I know my son was very colicky after his surgery at 3.5 weeks. We gave him Mylicon and it did help some but I know it doesn’t work for everyone.

We also swaddled him around his tummy to give it a little pressure. We still do this at night. If your son is on formula I’ve read that Similac is the least constipating- they make a sensitive version for colicky babies. Chase is breastfed so I try to steer clear of onions, garlic, and I reduce my caffeine intake- but I still drink some.

He was really fussy when he pooped or was gassy until about a month after his surgery. If your little guy is older I’d try to feed foods that act as a laxative so that he has an easier time passing the stool.


My son was 2 when he had the pull through surgery. He had pain with BMs for about 2 months after the surgery.

My son had the same issues too. He would cry and draw his legs up when he would pass gas or go in his diaper. I knew it was unccomfortable, but it is also a new feeling for them that they have to get used too. It lasted for about 3 months. It does get better, hang in there.

We had the same problem but found out that he is not having pain from pooping due to any surgical issues, he is screaming with the pooping because he has figured out that when he poops, it would hurt the rash. We were so concerned that something was going on internally that we opted to have him scoped to make sure that nothing was going on and the surgeon said that in all the years he has been doing the pull-thru surgeries our son had healed the best that he had ever seen and that all he expected in the future was a little constipation here and there but who doesn’t have that anyway.Once we got the rash cleared up with the ilex, he stopped the screaming. Once in a while he pushes a little harder and makes more noises or when he takes to big of bites of food and poops whole grapes or large pieces of carrots or beans he will let out a little scream but other then that, we were good after the rash was cleared up.

I have to agree. I know my son is crying more when he poops when he has his rash.


My son, who had his p-t a year ago has started having severe pains when he passes gas or stools about 5 months ago. We have been in and out of hospital trying to figure out what is causing his pain at this point. ALL tests have been done and have come back normal. He is often on codeine to ease his pain. We even work with a psychologist to see if this was a learnt behavior or looking for attention but after weeks of evaluating him, we can see the pain is real? We are now waiting for a consult with another hospital to see if they might have suggestions.

Could it be that is sphincter is too tight? =A0My son had pain in the begin=
ning with gas too but it did pass with time. =A0There were times that we ha=
d to help him with his gas by inserting a foley cath in his bottom to “de-g=
as him”. =A0But this also passed after the first few months. My son had jis=
pull thru in May 2008 and now has no trouble passing gas at all.

=A0=A0Janelmom to:Isabella(14), & Tyler(6)

— On Fri, 10/9/09, melrob <


From: melrob
Subject: Re: [hirschsprungs] Painful pooping
Date: Friday, October 9, 2009, 6:22 PM