
Does anyone remember me??? I have idiopathic acute recurrent pancreatitis. I have had a pretty mild year since my Gall Baldder removal in Oct '08. I honestly thought I was “cured” LOL!!! I was so wrong. Here I lay trying to get through another bout of this wretched disease at home. My doc just called with my blood work results. I am seriously considering going to ER for relief with the “good drugs”. I just feel bad for the kids and trick or treat tomorrow. Well have to see.

I am sorry you guys are stiil dealing with all this, But I am glad you are still here. I am sorry I was away for so long. I should have checked in on you and I’m sorry.

I just want to forward this one to you, as you are all special in my life…Lisa thank you so much! tellin’ ya you’ve got the best fwd. ever-lol
Ok I hope you all had a Wonderful Thanksgiving, and remembered what the day stands for~~~
It’s time to go to bed now, but we will chat later…Big Hugs, Barb :wink:

sorry to hear that Keke. Don’t apologize. I know how tough it can be to convince yourself you have it beat, only to have it come back again. It stinks, but you just have to keep moving forward. Go to the ER and get the relief you deserve…archer

hey keke,

i am sooooo sorry it, the beast came back, but just look at it like this, at least you had some good time without it, i know how very disappointed you are, but i am going to tell you something that may help, it took me along time to get to this point, but once we learn that our illness is as much of Gods plan as our health we can then use our energy to try and heal, by that we all know this does just not go away but we can finally come to a place in our lives that we learn to slow down baby ourselves as needed and as hard as it is we have to think positive and be strong for ourselves and our family and friends. they often feel as helpless as we do. so with that said just keep it in mind and in your own time you will get there also, it took me almost 10 years ! so there is hope for all of us ! keep us posted and know i am praying for you, it will be okay, and you know you just may wake up saturday feeling not too bad, we just never know what expect day to day and sometimes hour to hour !

God Bless and keep the Faith


Thanks for the replies. I always get comfort in knowing there are those here who understand. I am really struggling at home. The headache from not eating has started which only adds to my agony.

Thank you all. HUGS and prayers.

I think we have all had times of no pain. I had a pretty good year this year myself, but now am going through another bout. Hang in there. It is part and parcel of the disease. It is good to see that you are back. Keep in touch. I’ll be praying for you.


My docs just started me on a new medicine for acid problems that is working better than anything else I have ever been on and since it is a new one they have been able to give me lots of samples (I have a high co-pay for prescriptions…).

It is called Kapidex and is manufactured by Takeda Pharmaceuticals.


I’m glad to hear that the new med is working.

My procedure is tenatively scheduled for Dec. 2.

As far as not wanting to dray the rest of us down. Don’t worry about it. That is what we are here for. To help each other through the bad times. Please don’t ever think that you have to “spare” us. We know better than anyone how bad this disease is and can offer the most help. Our shoulders are broad - we can handle a lot of tears.



glad to hear you have had some pain free time ! its always such a disappointment when it comes back, but we know its just time, i always look back on the very little pain free time i get and relish in it when i am in so much pain, i am no longer working my disability started last month but trying to keep as active as i can always something to do here at home, but this way i do not have to push anymore, it was work 3.50 hours and do nothing much at home. so i move slow and many days get nothing done as you just have to rest so much, i hope and pray you get better just know we are still here, at least a few of us ! have a good nights rest



Posts seem to be few and far between on here anymore, but I do enjoy corresponding with everyone.

I will be going in for a procedure on Dec. 2nd (tentative date). It is called a pancreatico-gastrostomy. Basically they dirll a hole in the stomach into the pancreatic duct, put in a stent, which has to be changed every 6-8 weeks. They are making a bypass around the stricture in my panc. duct. The last stent will be in 9-12 months. The hole will be permanent. There is a 70% chance of pain relief and less than 5% chance of infection. This allows the pancreatic fulids to drain into the stomach and still do their job.

They wanted to do a Puestow, but I told the doc that I didn’t want to go that route. So this is the alternative.

I’m still waiting to hear on all the tests to see if I am in good enough shape to do this. It will be done through the mouth. No slicing me open.


Well Hello Volup :wink:

How are you doing? I think of all my friends, and how bad I have been not staying in touch :frowning: Bad friend I’ve been…I too have been struggling with terrible flare-ups, I get so upset then go into depression. I do know that by getting on here and talking about it would be the best thing, but I don’t want to bring others down with me! I was down the whole month of Oct. with Flu/Virus’s/Pancreatitis Flares/rashes/dehydration and all that goes with it! I am very interested in staying in touch on this procedure your having done, my doctor talked to me about this same procedure, but it will not be in NE. until next June/July so I am just waiting on that. I really want to know how you do with it as well…I miss everyone here on careplace/firefly I need to keep in touch more! Oh do you have heartburn a lot? or get very gassy? this is becoming a everyday thing with me :-(((( The doctor upped my prilexec? to 40mg. twice daily hoping this helps, no relief yet…I was on 20mgs x 2…Ok hon really let me know how things are going with you ok…Good Night and Big Hugs…Sending you my love, and prayers…

Barb :wink: (Mrs Barb)


fUNNY I JUST SENT BOTH OF YOU A EMAIL-LOL…I miss you both more then you know…I do want to say I am sorry for not being on here as often as I should, but after the month I had it was just too much for me! Ok miss ya…
Barb :wink:

Helo everyone,

The heartburn and gas is not uncommon. Do you take digestive enzymes? I have found that helps a lot along with the acid reflux meds. I take protonix 2 times a day. How often do you take your prilosec?

I will Also let you know how my procedure goes. Evidently it is fairly new. Dr. Chen has done several of them. He is at University Hospital in Denver. If you are interested in corresponding with his office let me know. I’ll get the info to you.



when is your procedure? keep me posted, hope you are having a good day much love always


Hey all,

It’s been almost 2 weeks. I did go to the hospital and was admitted for that long, but for some reason I couldn’t access this website from there. I spent 4 days on IV fluids and then the Doc ordered TPN for the first time and I was just released yesterday. I realized the day before I left the hosptial that I was clinical dependant on the Dilauded they were pushing for pain. I have experienced DT’s until the doc prescribed a low dose pain patch and it is a major step down in strength so I am hoping it will help me to get through this. I have faith in God and know that He is carrying me. I am so beside myself that this bout has been so bad. I am still on long term TPN probably for at least 30 days. I have shed many tears myself and I am so glad you are all here to be supportive. It is a special bond.



I had to do the same thing in 2001. It was a long 2 weeks but after I got out I did eventually recover. And went a few years before anything else happened. I pray this will be the case for you. Hang in there and let us know how you are doing. My prayers will be going up for you today.


Hi all, just wanted to forward this on to you! very touching enjoy…
Thank You aunt Pat…
Barb :slight_smile:

I just wanted to share with you…Have a great day, Barb ;-(

Hey Lisa you did it again, Just when I needed a smile or just comfort you send these wonderful emails…Thanks A Bunch…
I sure hope everyone enjoys…Barb :wink:

Have a great day, you don’t have to send this back no big deal…
Barb :wink: