Pancreatitis Article Ideas?

Hi, All:

I’ve been asked to write a regular article for the National Pancreas Foundation’s online newsletter, as well as their bi-annual printed publication. Due to my own fight with pancreatitis, I was unable to agree to write a weekly article, but felt I could write for them on a monthly basis and will hopefully be able to contribute this, even from the occasional hospital bed.

While I’m also expecting the NPF will guide what they’d like covered, I’d love to know what those of you on CarePlace would like to read about or increase awareness about.

These articles are for those of us with pancreatitis and it should be about what we, as those dealing with this disease, want covered. Please let me know if you have any special ideas or suggestions. I’ll always do my best to help others, and your input would be really appreciated (I can only hope that by writing these articles we will all benefit in some way). You can sign up to receive the online newsletter at

Thanks so much for any help-- and feel free to reply here, by sending a private message through CarePlace, or by emailing me directly at . The group I created on CarePlace, called “Empowerment Unlimited” will also have questions and information regarding issues that might help us one day to heal, as well as those I’ll be writing about. If you join this group, you will get any information I send out to members as well as links that will hopefully be helpful.

You’re all very special to me and I only hope you’re all getting a little relief. As always, I’m sending you all love, hugs, and wishes for pain-less days.

All the best,


Hi Lisa,
How are today? Been thinking about you and hope today is a great day for you. That’s such a wonderful idea about the newsletter-and I think they picked the best person to help others. We get the PEARL newsletter from Univ of Pitt and I find it so helpful. It only talks about pancreatitis and the latest research. Also has a section for kids-talking about enzymes and what the pancreas does…etc.
One thought I would like to see would be who people recommend as the best pancreatic doctors, most caring and knowledgable and sympathetic to the patient. In other words, true believers of chronic patients. I think this would help people avoid their family doctors and go straight to the best for answers.
Good luck and let me know if you need any help with research.


I think it would be helpful to have an article about dealing with relatives, friends, co-workers, etc. that really don’t understand what it going on.


i agree, i think this would be a very beneficial subject for so many! great idea Vonnie !


I have to say I too Agree strongly!!! Great Ideas!!!

Mrs. Barb :slight_smile:


After thinking about this some more…to include in the first suggestion, how we might be able to communicate more clearly to them how we are feeling physically and emotionally so that they understand what is going on. I told my husband that I can feel every piece of food that goes through my pancreas and even sometimes feel the food as it passes through my entire digestive tract. He was surprised at that. If you haven’t been there you really don’t understand and it needs to be communicated at a level that other people can understand.

Thanks for your willingness to do this.



I have told my dr the same thing and he cannot believe it how you
can feel the food going through you and how the pancrease feels immediately
when eating, out of all people i thought the dr would at least understand,
he looks at me very funny when i tell him this, but it is so true, i thought
maybe it was just me, glad you wrote this ! have a good evening !


Hi, Everyone!

Thanks for your ideas and suggestions so far-- it’s a great start!!

I’m having a really rough time, but am still committed to getting these articles out and done… no matter what… because it’s so important that the medical field hears us and gets to know us and learns to understand what they seem to so often miss about CP and all aspects of it.

Please keep the responses coming-- and if you come up with more ideas down the road, keep passing them on! I’m already taking some of your comments and running with them (well, wheeling with them? ha ha)-- The first article should be published within the next month. It’s a great start on behalf of all of us and will help down the road in some way-- I’ll make sure of that.

Please keep those ideas coming in-- and feel free to help me get the word out to others to get their input as well. As those with CP, we’re the best ones to lead this: I’ll do the writing and researching, and love that I can start with ideas important to all of you.

Please take good care of yourself, give yourself some of those hugs, and stay as positive as possible-- even through the roughest times.

Many more hugs and love and appreciation,


Ideas for articles…1. The stress of wondering if “this bite of food” is going to put me into the hospital 2. dealing with nausea (I have gotten great ideas from everyone here I am glad you will be doing this since you have surely experienced cp at its worst. Betsy