Hi…Due to a stircture in the head of my pancreas I now have to be dilated every 8-10 weeks and inbetween I am still experiencing horrible pain. I have a terrible fear of having a whipple and am trying to get more information about the total removal of the pancreas with islet cell transplants. I was acute for 30 years and have been chronic for the past 10 years due to a stent that slipped and made my already deformed pancreas worse because the doctor’s refused to take the stent out when I told them I was in terrible pain.
My entire profile is a . I would like to talk to anyone who has undergone either a whipple or pancreatonomy. If you send me your phone, I will call you back or if you want to call me, my number in Napa Valley, CA is . I am worn out by this constant pain and don’t think I can live like this much longer as it’s wearing me out totally. So if you have information to share ,please contact me.
Carolyn Bloom