Heh, until Sunday night I thought that losing consciousness from pain was an urban myth. I had a relatively good week last week after the gi switched me to Viokkase and I ate just bread and pureed vegetables for the most part. This was good because I was out of pain meds. Then Sunday was pure hell. I didn’t eat a single thing and still had steatorrhea somehow, intense nausea, and extreme pain. The last thing I remember Sunday night was taking some generic Reglan and Phenergan for the nausea and lying down on the bed. I was totally out- literally passed out almost like I had taken something or drank too much. My wife thought that I had taken some sleeping pills, but even 20 mgs of Ambien doesn’t totally put me out. In fact, I have somnabulance and can carry on a conversation. lol I just thought that this was strange and wondered if anyone else has ever had this happen.
I had a referral to a pain specialist about 45 minutes away (we live in “the sticks”), but when I talked to the receptionist, it turns out that none of the pain specialists in that area will touch pancreatitis patients. I finally located a pain clinic in Seattle (about a 3 to 3.5 hour drive- oh joy!) that said they deal with those type of issues and went to my gi’s today to sign the referral and see if he will give me some Oxycodone to tide me over until I can see the pain specialist, especially as I am going to be out of town starting tomorrow (until the 22nd).
Wishing everyone a relatively pain-free day.