PCD Foundation Announcements

The PCD Foundation is pleased to present the sixth-annual North American PCD Family Education
Weekend to be held at the Marriott Research Triangle Park, Durham, North Carolina, July 18-20, 2008.

For more information, visit www.pcdfoundation.org

PCD Foundation Announces New Online Patient Forum
On PCD Foundation Website

The PCD Foundation is pleased to announce the addition of a patient forum to our website! The PCDF Forum can be accessed from our homepage at http://www.pcdfoundation.org/ by clicking the “Patient Forum” button on the lower left hand side of the page.

Like other online patient forums, the PCDF Forum is a peer-to-peer communication tool to ask questions and share information and support. The PCDF Forum is not meant to replace existing patient support forums, but to provide an additional option for PCD community members looking for a more structured format focused on education and information.

To aid the community with staying on topic, the forum is divided into four main categories: PCD Diagnosis; PCD Clinical Management; PCD Life Management and PCD Misc. & Resources. Each category is further divided into individual topic/forums related to that category. There are locked, permanent informational posts in some of the individual topic/forums that are there for reference. Posters can reply to existing topic/forums or can request the addition of a new topic/forum from the administrator.

Important Note About Registration:
Registration for the PCDF is required. After you register for the forum you will receive two email notices from "noresponse@websitetoolbox.com" before you can use the forum. The first notice will include a link which you need to “click” to confirm your email address. Using this link verifies that you received the email and marks your registration “email confirmed”. Note that when you click the link you will be taken to the login screen for the forum however you will not be able to login yet.

A second notice will go out after a moderator reviews and approves your registration. The review is to verify that the email was confirmed and that you have agreed to abide by the Terms&Conditions and Forum Guidelines. You may now access the forum by clicking the link in the email or going to our website, www.pcdfoundation.org, and clicking the forum link there.

We are excited about this new addition to the PCDF website and hope you will join us in this new endeavor. You can access the forum from this link.

PCD Foundation
