Potty Training

My daughter was born with long-segment hirshprung’s disease and had just over half of her large intestine removed at 20 days old. She had her pull-through surgery at 3 1/2 months old. We are so thankful with how well she is doing… but now she is almost 2 and the thoughts of potty training have started. We’ve been told by pediatricians and her surgeon that potty traning will be difficult as she has a smaller amount of control over her BM’s - and especially since they are diarehha 90% of the time and very frequent (6-7 dirty diapers a day). Does anyone have any advise? I feel that I need to hear from and talk to people who have experience with this.

My son is almost 6. He had a total coloctomy (whole large intestine removed) at 4 months old. He had the loose bowels and countless dirty diapers a day. When he was 2 is started getting so much better. We did not push the issue, but encouraged him greatly. by 3 yrs of age he was completely potty trained.We put him on the potty every morining, afternoon at 3 and before bed and encouraged him to go “poopie”. If he did ones in between that time, we said nothing but still sat him down at those same times every day. It took about 4 months of consistency, but he does GREAT now. He still goes 3 times a day at those same times, only he does it by himself. He thinks nothing of it. Every child is different. Just try not to get discouraged. Hang in there with it. Our gi dr. is the BEST! He helped us with it so much. Let me know how it goes. Best wishes, Zach’s mom

-----Original Message-----

From: schmoe hirschsprungs-cpt8392@lists.careplace.com
Sent: Apr 4, 2008 7:03 AM
To: rcsnell@peoplepc.com
Subject: [hirschsprungs] Potty Training

I have two daughters with HD, one almost five and the other 2.5 years old. My eldest had 1/2 of her colon removed and still have “marks” in underwear pretty frequently but does have control. I think the marks happen because she waits to long or has wet gas. Sorry to be so open but we’re all in same boat.

I had her in pull ups from about 3 years old til she was four years old as she had numerous accidents then. I can handle the marks and she doesn’t have the diaper rash she used to have when she was in diapers. We just starting to put her sister on the potty when she shows an interest.

I agree with other response that having set times/routines to take care of poopie is helpful too. I always get her on the potty before leaving for PreK.

I hope this helps you.


there is a book to read to children called potty learning. forget the idea of training, it puts to much stress into the process. i read it to my son and he took responsibility right away. the book lets the child decide when to try it.

-----Original Message-----
From: schmoe hirschsprungs-cpt8392@lists.careplace.com
To: pauletteaz2@aol.com
Sent: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 4:03 am
Subject: [hirschsprungs] Potty Training

My son is 4 and still not completely potty trained. His pull through operation was completed when he was only a few months old. He will have several good days( no accidents) the a couple days od diarrhea. He is in Pre-K and the school called me to pick him up today. He is on a lactose free diet and I also limit sweets and snacks. I would appreciate any advice. He is scheduled to have a gastrograffin enema in a few weeks.