today i went to see a triage nurse who apparently was going to assess me into which pidgeon hole i fitted.
my doctor had been treating me for bi polar and seemed to understand how i felt but not this whizz kid who promptly asked me why was i there and what did i want from this mental health place i was having my interview in.this completly threw me and i didn't know how to answer him.
after i had finished trying to explain the situation to him high and low moods swings,flipping where i can smash a room up to emotional moods where i just want to cry for no reason really.
self harm even once doing it in front of my partner which i have little recollection of but i was having a episode of very low mood.
seeing things and hearing things aswell.
he just said i hadn't a mental health problem but a personality problem and i didn't need medication.but he would refer me to another nurse who deals in personality problems.
i was close to tears as i walked out it was like why the hell wasn't he listening to me.
i feel any support i had from my partner is dwindling i think she is getting fed up with me and my mental problems as i wasn't like this when we met.
when i was trying to talk about how i felt tonight she told me to shut up as she didn't want to hear about it all day everyday,which to me isn't true.