I have a 23 month old son that was diagnosed with HD when he was about 6 months old. He had a single laparoscopic repair, which seemed to go well. He did dilations for about six months at home, twice a day titrating done to one a week. About two months after we stopped the dilations, he was hospitalized with enterocolitis.
He did flagyl for a few weeks and also the dilations were restarted for a short time. he seemed to get better, but again in July he started getting bloated again and have very loud gurgly bowel sounds. He has a very large colon which could be seen on xray.
Our surgeon decided to order a barium enema, which we did. Our son ended up getting extremely sick after the enema and was unable to pass any of the barium and we subsequently spent nearly a week in the hospital. Doc decided to perform another rectal biospy to check for a reoccurrence of HD and while in the OR also decided to take out some mucsle of his inner rectal sphincter, thinking this would make it easier for him to poop.
Our son actually did very well for about a month and was as normal as he ever was, but just this week, he started vomiting and getting bloated and we spend another few days in the hospital with the diagnosis of enterocolitis again.
He is going to be on the flagyl for a month this time and again we are doing manual dilation twice a day to help him pass the stool and gas that he seems unable to pass on his own. Doc has brought up twice now that he may need a decompressing colostomy temporarily, which freaks us out.
I’m just wondering if any one has had similiar problems and how things turned out. I’m also wondering if people tend to follow with pediatric surgery or if GI specialty should be involved. Also wondering if anybody else is living in Wisconsin and what hospital/doctor you go to.