Ref:very worried!

Hi, i am prawney, and only have just read your plea for advize, this is the 1st time i have written in careplace, my heart goes out to you, alcoholism is a horrendous afflication to have and to deal with, it can very easily turn into a family illness, i will simplyfy that be say the loved ones around the alcholic, with out realising it! enables the sufferer to continue drinking.

I am guessing your are not living in the U.K., like i do, due to you saying you have no health insurance. for myself, i will only pass on my own experiences and not suggest or endorse any particular support, as what works for one may not for another. For myself, i have been in hospital over 30 times, in 2 re-habs and tried so many things to stop drinking, even trying to end my life.(sorry, i don't mean to scare you,) yet tday, i will be coming upto 2 years clean after August, which i don't look upon as any big deal.

Sadly, in my experience it's the individual which is the best recovery programe out there, i believe until we alcoholics get to that stage , no re-hab, therepy, councilling or any other support will have any long lasting affect. We, who have the illness i believe start the slow progression of recovery when we start being gut level to ourselves(totally 100% honest) not to others, or say what we think others want to hear, yet what we surpress in the sunconscious, not in the consious or unconsious. This might be hard for you to take on and there might be others who don't agree with my statement, yet good recovery is dealing with the facts and the truth, and taking life slowly looking after yourself with care on a daily basis.

I also believe the holoistic approach to our illness plays a very important role, well for myself it did, i had to totally change my life style, friends and move areas and start dealing with myself. i do not know what country you are from, yet maybe possibly look for A.A. support for contact, and just as importantly, you need to look after yourself, like i said it's a family illness, A.A. will support and advoze you there as well.

I do so much hope this is of some use, little that it is, i do hope there are others who are aware where your surroundings are and can give you positive contacts as i live in the U.K. I do wish you luck prawney. 

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