Remeron, does it work?

My Dr. has put me on remeron,started about 2 weeks ago but still dont feel any better.Has anyone else used this medication? and does it help? maybe I havent taken it long enough? I’m on 30mg once a day.

I used Remeron more as a sleep aid than as an antidepressant. I don’t like to tell you this but it made me gain 40 pounds in about 2 months. I took my pills back to my psychiatrist, threw them in his lap, and told him perhaps he would like to gain 40 pounds for the fun of it. It really DID help with sleep (which I needed desperately at that time), but it ruined me physically in the sense of weight gain and health and emotional problems that went with it. I developed an eating disorder while trying to lose the weight - NOT THAT THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU, but I would like to be honest with you about my experience. I took both the dissolving version, and the tablet form (another psychiatrist prescribed it for me this year, and I fought against it like crazy, but then gave in, and gained 17 more pounds in 2 weeks). Good luck.

thanks for answering,I have to ask did you gain weight from increased appetite or from the medication itself,I havent gained any weight to speak of in 2 weeks of taking the remeron.