SAM'S DAILY LINK Misdiagnosing Personality Disorders as Anxiety Disorders

What is Anxiety
Anxiety is uncontrollable and excessive apprehension, a kind of unpleasant
(dysphoric), mild fear, with no apparent external reason. Anxiety is dread
in anticipation of a future menace or an imminent but diffuse and
unspecified danger, usually imagined or exaggerated. The mental state of
anxiety (and the concomitant hypervigilance) has physiological complements.
It is accompanied by short-term dysphoria and physical symptoms of stress
and tension, such as sweating, palpitations, tachycardia, hyperventilation,
angina, tensed muscle tone, and elevated blood pressure (arousal). It is
common for anxiety disorders to include obsessive thoughts, compulsive and
ritualistic acts, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty

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The article you just read is part of my book, “Malignant Self Love -
Narcissism Revisited” (January 2007)