We all have every right to be blue during the holidays.
Right now I'm going through an enormous emotional period. Holidays (on TV, anyway) are shown as this fantastic, happy time of year. Long-lost relatives and family members find their way home just in the nick of time for Christmas celebrations. Grandmothers snuggle grandchildren on their laps and read "T'was the Night Before Christmas" in a real "Norman Rockwell" type of setting... while the rest of us continue on with our imperfect lives.
Now add to this the terror of living with Crohn's and complications with my health, I had surgery this week and I'm feeling pretty emotional & physically I'm worn down, I'm truly sick of being sick. I have many thoughts while I battle the beast; a familiar one for me is this: "Will I be alive next year? If I am not alive, will I have left the family Good Memories from this year's celebrations?" Every year I become an actress so that my family will not be upset by such cruel thoughts and I suffer in silence agonizing over this question, wishing the holidays would pass quickly so I don't have to think about stuff like this.
When I'm in a flare up or I've been sick day after day .. It puts me on an emotional roller coaster. Then I cry !! I cry because I am so mixed up and frustrated and frightened. The emotional upheaval of living with such an ugly disease and a disease that 'doesn't' LIKE food ... and it doesn't stop for the holidays.