Severe Burnout from N

“Burnout(emotional exhaustion)is a psychological condition, caused or exacerbated by stress(emotional or work related or both)in which the sufferer experiences physical/psychological exhaustion…diminished interest, depersonalization and cynicism”

i personally experienced this…and for about 5 mths,and it did feel like a "post traumatic state’of some sort

vit c raises endorphin levels,as does exercise and music…so i was told…it worked forme anyway.

RE;adrenal exhaustion.

1…excess fatigue
2.None-refreshed sleep
3Unable to cope with stressors
4.Feeing run down-listless
5.Most energy in evening
6.Brain fog
7.sensitivity to cold?

just some of the symptoms of adrenal exhaustion…which a holistic based psychiatrist prescribed vit C for (500-1000 mg pref time release)

I was fortunate enough to know that I wasn’t the “crazy” one. I just wasn’t able to prevent the destructive behavior thrown my way. Oh yeah, a wise person here pointed out that was projection.

In any event, I think if I know the sources, therapy might not be needed for me. Maybe something more along the lines of a life coach in more in order.

At least that’s my thinking today.

to add to this…when it came to a head…i could not sleep,eat,think,function…i felt dead inside.
I ended up at a psychiatrist who instantly recognised this…it was NOT depression…it was as if I had nothing left to give.
The good news is that after about 4-5mths rest I fully recovered. is great for a diagnostic test.

“Nothing left to give” sure rings a bell.

A 4-5 month rest is the answer? Been there, done that but without the benefit of a therapist.

That ''burnout" sounds like the schizoid personality disorder.
Maybe “burnout” is the stage just before full blown SPD.

I do get the feeling that the N’s have “burned me” repeatedly.

well I never went scizoid…i just slowly recovered my physical mental strenght…although i must admit as soon as I was well enough…i hit the councelling BIG TIME…and i found that it forced’self reflection"more than anything…which seemed to aid recovery so much…also many tears was healing…and alsp…i had adrenal exhaustion(i later found out)stress related too…i bet everyone on here has that or has had…and high strength vitamin C cured that one…truly.
Careplace is great for"self reflection"and sharing by the way.

councelling omicha…just gets it all out instead of it churning around in your head driving you bloody bonkers

Maybe I’ll try some vitamin C. That would be the least expensive alternative.

Just found secondary PTSD…(compassion fatigue) on Wilkpedia…that sounds more like it(if anyone is interested)

"compassion fatigue"
symptoms are normal displays of chronic stress,resulting from the care giving that we do(be that work or relationships)
Leading traumatologist,Erick Gentry,suggests that paople who are attracted to care-giving,often enter the field already"compassion fatigued"
A strong identification with helpless or traumatized people or animals,is possibly the motive.
It is common for such people to hail from a direction of what Gentry called’other-directed’caregiving.
simply put,these are people who were taught at an early age to care for the needs of others,before thier own.
Authentic,on-going self-care is absent.
go to for symptoms if anyone is interested(of course)

Sign me up for that compassion fatigue disorder too. It’s a shame the only alternative is to give up caring for the afflicted.

thats seems to be the case…unless we can strike 50-50 balance of course.

wow… compassion fatigue…when i read that i thought…omg…that’s me. I guess I’m am lucky to an extent after reading some of the other threads. My N doesn’t…or hasn’t in a long while gone into a rage. Since I have armed myself with knowledge and been consistent with the way I love him and nurture him it seems to have helped. He will now actually admit that he does have issues and that his behavior or treatment of me is many times inappropritate and very hurtful. He has also learned to say he is sorry…and most of the time he means it. These are all big steps I think.

Maewest…they are HUGE steps…i never got a true sorry,just fob shut me up(if that)…perhaps your compassion has actually paid off.