I have been dealing with anxiety and panic on and off for years. Since I had my daughter, 7 months ago, it got sooooo much worse. Actually 2 months after she was born it all started. Honestly I am not totally convinced that it is anxiety and panic that is causing my symptoms, but that is what everyone else seems to think. (including Drs)
I suffer from a dizziness that is unexplainable. It comes and stays and has for months. For the last few it seemed to have lessened to almost nothing. Than nausea started. Now its back to the dizziness. sometimes its other things.
I am at the point where i want to end it all. I see a psychologist and am seeing a psychiatrist soon. I have told her my thoughts. I dont have the guts to actually do it. But I wish I did. I do not want my daughter to be without a mom but I am no good to her like this. I just want my life back or should it end?
Does anyone have or had any of my symptoms or thoughts? I am at the end of my rope and so lost that I dont think I will be found again.
Please help…