Should it end?

I have been dealing with anxiety and panic on and off for years. Since I had my daughter, 7 months ago, it got sooooo much worse. Actually 2 months after she was born it all started. Honestly I am not totally convinced that it is anxiety and panic that is causing my symptoms, but that is what everyone else seems to think. (including Drs)

I suffer from a dizziness that is unexplainable. It comes and stays and has for months. For the last few it seemed to have lessened to almost nothing. Than nausea started. Now its back to the dizziness. sometimes its other things.
I am at the point where i want to end it all. I see a psychologist and am seeing a psychiatrist soon. I have told her my thoughts. I dont have the guts to actually do it. But I wish I did. I do not want my daughter to be without a mom but I am no good to her like this. I just want my life back or should it end?

Does anyone have or had any of my symptoms or thoughts? I am at the end of my rope and so lost that I dont think I will be found again.
Please help…

I read your message and hope you feel better. Please do not give up. I am sure it is postpartum depression. I believe hormones has much to do with this condition. I am older than you, but I started noticing changes when going through medipause. (?) spelled that wrong… Medication goes help. Many women go through this. It is not your fault. Things will be better. Finding a good therapist helps too. I’ve gone through many, so finding a good one could take time. Finding a caring and understand person does help. Finding help to care for the baby, might be a starting point.

Please reply.


It could be post partum deppression, or anxiety…but it could also be something called virtigo. It causes you to feel very dizzy at times, and can last a long time as well. i would go to your doctor just to have it checked out.
Virtigo is an inner ear thing. You have little fibers in your ear that “dust” sits on, when things get upset all the "dust flutters around causing you to feel the sysmptoms that you described. ( this is the best I can explain it, sorry)
I suffer from anxiety attacks and mild depression but also have had bouts of virtigo and it is a different feeling then when your dizzy from panic or anxiety. I hope you are feeling better soon, and get to the bottom of it! I hate it when just because people suffer from anxiety or deppression we are lumped into a group and people or doctors seeem to blaim our symtoms on that fact.
i recently just went 3 weeks with terrible stomack pain because my drs felt it was anxiety or heartburn. I finally had to go to the er for someone to take me seriously! They admitted me with pancreatitis and had to have my gallbladder removed! So always follow up on what your feeling.