Has anyone else experienced sleeping issues with CP?
If so, any advice on what could help?
I’m a full time student with a job, and the past two weeks i’ve gotten close to no sleep at all
Has anyone else experienced sleeping issues with CP?
If so, any advice on what could help?
I’m a full time student with a job, and the past two weeks i’ve gotten close to no sleep at all
I find that if I get up and sleep in an easy chair or stack pillows up on the sofa so the upper half of my body is elevated I can get some shut eye. In the beginning I also found that sleeping on the side of the pain would help. That doesn’t work too well now though. Also, do you have a heating pad? There are days when I live on mine. It really does help to relax you and with a nice blanket can lull you right to sleep.
Is it the pain or is your mind running 120 miles per hour? If it is your mind racing, I find turning on the tv and watching a really boring movie or reading a boring book helps.
God Bless and keep the Faith,
Some nights in the pain, some nights in my mind, just kind of depending on the day i guess. Thanks for the advice i may try it, I’ve just started trying the heating pad, last night it didn’t do much, but i am in the most pain i’ve been in since diagnosed today so that may be why. I may try the sofa or chair thing tonight, thank you so much!!
emma, i think this goes along with it !!! sorry to say, i prop with numerous pillows and have a fan on me as the pain seems to be so intense i get hot and uncomfortable, many times i just end up turning on the tv until i can go back to sleep, the heating pad is also very soothing, but my fave is my bassethound katieann or crosby laying up against my back and the heat radiates ! they are also very soothing to me ! i pray for you asnd everyone to have “sweet sleep” julie
hi Emma,
I lay in a hot tub with some salt, and read , Id say about 1/2 hr or more, seems to help me.
hope your feeling better.