I can give you all you need to know about CPB. I have had several with great results every time. The first one is without alcohol because they want to see if it successful. They will use a numbing agent (probably bupivacaine aka Marcaine or Sensorcaine) and a long acting steroid (probably triamcinolone aka Kenalog). It is done via EUS (endoscopic ultrasound). After my first one, I told Doc K that I thought I died and went to heaven. They are short lived, though, 4-6 weeks. Mike has been doing them for me every 2 months since last November. He once tried with the alcohol but it landed me in the hospital for 2 weeks or so. He bypassed this last time because he put in a feeding tube and was afraid he would not be able to visualize the aorta very well. That is the downside, the clinician MUST be very skilled in the procedure as he/she will be right next to the aorta. If he/she hits the aorta, there could be major problems. My anesthesiologist friends feel that this approach (via EUS) is very non invasive and not as dangerous as the anesthesia or radiology approach (where they go through the abdomen or back). My pain specialist friend, though, feels that the aorta may get burnt out over time (years) if you keep bathing the area with steroids but this is only an hypothesis. I just can’t say enough good things about the CPB.
Keep us posted and good luck