Yes my grandson is still in Omaha. He has been there since June 13th. He is
an outpatient in the Intestinal Rehab Center. He had the step procedure done
at the end of October and yes, his intestine was dialated.
Yesterday,my daughter had to take him in to the hospital because he was
running fever and throwing up. They admitted him to rule out infection. They did
an upper GI and looks like some parts are dialated or either it is his
colon(he only has 1/2 of his colon) that is dialated…they are going to do a lower
GI tomorrow to make sure of what exactly is going on.
His bilirubin was over 10 when we got to Omaha, but it is in normal range
now. They took him off the lipids pretty fast and that really helped. He has
been very healthy since he has been there, considering his condition…They do
know what they are doing. Before we went there, we were trying to go to Boston
for Omegaven, but the insurance company closed the door on that. I think it
was God’s doing, because if he has a chance to come off of TPN, I believe it
will happen in Omaha.
There is a good chance that I may go for a visit during the time you are
there, so please send me your name (first and last) cause of the privacy issues,
they don’t give out much info when you are looking for someone there!
Kathy Bourgeois
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