Strange Sensations

I occasionaly get a warm feeling in both of my legs, and sometimes it feels like something is crawling across my skin but, but there is nothing there. Does this happen to anyone else?

yes Mike…feels like running water rippling under the skin…i sure do get that especially in my calves.


Me too, my legs feel really hot, then it feels like something crawling up my leg. I know I am getting more lumps on my lower legs and feet now, been very painful with every passing day. I am so tired now can’t seem to get any energy up to accomplish anything, I have made it work but barely make it through the day. I just want this all to go away.


I first went on Ambian because that over-sensitivity or whatever it is, kept me awake all night. Just couldn’t sleep with that going on. It felt as though something was crawling under my skin, and also, blankets would hurt touching my skin, and the slightest wrinkle in my sheets would hurt. I guess it still happens, but I just don’t care now - good drugs! :slight_smile:


I send many good wishes from Germany.
This strange sensatins, like something crawling under my skin,
Especially on my upper thigh.
Is nothing to see.
My thigh feels also verry hot.

HUGS for all!!!


I look at my legs and brush them off as if feels like a bug is getting me! I sometimes turn the bedroom light back on and check for a spider. I scan the ceiling looking for intruders! It is ridiculous…What with the electrical shocks making me jerk and the brushing off for non-existant bugs I look like another one who flew over the cookoo’s nest! No bugs found yet…I have been wondering lately if it is the dreaded dust mites!! But, I know they would be too little to feel…wouldn’t they??

You know - I havent had these sensations you all are having - I have been
having a lot of electrical shocks and jerking tho.

I had a big fear when I was younger and would get a scratch, that somehow
bugs would be able to get into my body through those scratches. And now
thats what it seems like. Especially the ones that run in a pattern. ICK
I hope I dont EVER get that feeling of movement, it will really drive me

Hugs - and hope you all have a free pain moment or two.

Calle//Carin in AZ

It feels like water running down my legs to me, and then it feels like something is biting me.

I have sometimes light ripples like an insect landed on my legs…and sometimes it is like I have been bitten or stung by something(that is the lipomas being active Im told) but I have restless leg too…Sometimes its so bad I cant lay down or makes it diffucult to sit too with out moving my legs…

I get it too. I figure they are just planting new ones in. just kidding.

Careful with the Ambien. I stopped taking it. I had to many Ambien nights where I would order off of info commericals and not remember till the UPS man came, and I would just think crapola, another Ambien night. I take Valium for the restless legs and help knock me out. Tends to be long acting in a lot of people. I’ve tried miroprex? But was sensatiev to it. I know a lot of poeple it has helped. There is a web site for restless leg syndrome, let me know if you want the link.

Wow! Roxy you get valium? I did not think they gave that anymore…since so many got hooked on it in the sixties. I would love to get some. It was the best muscle relaxant.

Look up Restless Leg Syndrome - It is a real disease. It wouldnt surprise me if you had it as well.

I also take 5mg valium for muscle spasms and unvoluntary body movements would’nt no what i would do without it
hope you all have a painfree of comfortable weekend
hugsx-x HELEN


Hard to determine which caused those feelings in my legs. I have PLMD/Restless Leg Syndrome, peripheral neuropathy and DD, any and all of these can cause strange creepy crawly feelings in your legs. Mirapex is what I take for the PLMD/RLS and it seems to help, tho not get rid of completely the buggy skin feeling. Of course I also take Lyrica and Cymbalta for the other conditions and the combo may be helpful. I know that if I run out of Mirapex, it is a lot worse.



Neurologists still prescribe it. That was one of the meds that they had me on trying to control my shaking (myoclonus) along with the Klonopin and Neurontin. Two different neurologists prescribed it for me to try to relax the muscles that were contracting and releasing which causes the shaking. Valium helped more than the Neurontin and Klonopin together.
