I’m interested in connecting with other parents of teens with high functioning autism to talk about summer program resources. I am starting a grass roots campaign to inform local programs that already provide teen summer camps of the need for more of them but also for special interest camps for teens with high functioning autism. I am well connected to the autism community Pittsburgh and work for a non profit that serves children with autism. But funding is always an issue, so I’m going to get the ball rolling myself. Anyone out there have teens with ASD who are high functioning and totally board and underserved during the summer months? What if the museums and zoos and outdoor camps and colleges with computer programs and science programs actually offered a week each summer for kids on the Spectrum? What if it could become an Institute where kids could select from tracks of study all summer based on their area of interest? What if we could get the school districts to pay for it? We need to speak out! There just isn’t enough out there for typical kids age 12 and up, let alone for our kids! Please let me know what your family has done to fill the summer months, and what you need. If there were a perfect world for your child next summer, what would it look like?