
Hello everyone,

I was reading through the National Pancreas Foundation “Ask the Doctor” postings and found one about using antioxidants. The doctor suggested using Vit E - 400 mg., Vit C - 500 mg., Selenium - trace amount, and Methionine. I have started doing that and so far it hasn’t hurt any. I will let you know if it helps. Anybody out there have any experience doing this?


Here is what I found listed on Unv of Maryland but haven't tried yet. I'd like to discuss with my doctor first.

Numerous studies have explored the role of oxidative stress in pancreatitis. Oxidative stress results from the production of free radicals, which are byproducts of metabolism that are harmful to cells in the body. Antioxidants help rid the body of harmful free radicals. Low antioxidant levels in the blood (including reduced amounts of vitamins A, C, and E, selenium, and carotenoids) may lead to chronic pancreatitis due to the destructive effects of increased free radicals. Antioxidant deficiency and the risk of developing pancreatitis may be particularly linked in areas of the world with low dietary intake of antioxidants. In addition, the cooking and processing of foods may destroy antioxidants. Alcohol induced pancreatitis is linked to low levels of antioxidants as well. There is also some evidence that antioxidant supplements may eliminate or minimize oxidative stress and help alleviate pain from chronic pancreatitis.

When I saw Dr. Freeman last year, he said that A, C & E are good for pancreatic health.

In the past, I have experienced pain when taking vitamins in pill form. But, if that doesn’t bother you then go for it!


I have been using the following supplements and they seem to help. I do have some malabsorption issues so I take high doses of magnesium & potassium (not listed) per my endocrinologist. High dosages of magnesium can cause chronic diarrhea so I don’t recommend it on top of pancreatitis. Fortunately it is not the oily diarrhea that accompanies my episodes of pancreatitis.

Multi-vitamin 1x/day (Pancreas Foundation & U of Miami)
Beta Carotene (Vitamin A) 9,000 IU 1x/day (Pancreas Foundation & U of Miami)
Mega B-Stress (has B-12 250 mcg) 1x/day (U of Miami)
Vitamin C 540 mg 1x/day (U of Miami & Pancreas Foundation recommends 500 mg)
Vitamin D3 400 IU 1x/day (U of Miami recommends “some”)
Vitamin E 400 IU 1x/day (Pancreas Foundation & U of Miami recommends 270 mg)
Selenium 600 mcg 1x/day (U of Miami & Pancreas Foundation recommends “some”)
Methionie 2,000 mcg 1x/day (U of Miami & Pancreas Foundation recommends “some”)
Grape Seed Extract 50 mg 1x/day (U of Miami recommends “some”)
Alpha Liopic Acid 100 mg 1x/day (U of Miami recommends “some”)
Milk Thistle 175 mg 1x/day (U of Miami recommends “some”)


Hi Vonnie :wink:
How are you long time no hear…Me ok still battling with my blood disorder, and pancreatitis :frowning: I wanted to make a comment on supplements, I can’t take any of the supplements, as well as muti-vitimans can’t even take childrens vitimans, pretty sad huh lol lol…any wanted to say hi and see how you are doing…Big Hugs, thoughts and prayers for a pain free day/evening…With all my love, Barb :wink:

hi barb,

it has been so long since i have emailed you, i feel really bad, now i think of you everyday, i will email you monday and catch you up, i have been very sick. but know i love and think of you ! sleep tight my dear


Laura Thanks for sharing…Hope your having a pain free day/evening…Big Hugs, thoughts and prayers to you :wink:
With Love, Mrs. Barb/Barb

Thanks for letting me know, I think of you daily as well!!! Been wondering if you have been sick since it’s been so long, but the same goes for me I haven’t really emailed anyone in a long time. I too feel terrible about it, by the way my daughter wears her PIN everyday, and just loves it, she said to tell you Thank You so Very Much! Ok I need to take my meds. and get going to bed as well…Hope to hear from you soon…Big Hugs and thoughts and prayers for YOU…With all my Love, Barb :wink:


Thanks. I had a miserable 4-days, but I am doing better this morning. Hope all is well for you and everyone.


Summertime!!! It sounds like there are several of us that suffer greatly during the summer months.

Mrs. Barb, I have been on a liquid diet for 5 weeks now. I’ve lost 15 pounds but I had gotten pretty chunky so could afford to lose it. I did eat Saturday night and Sunday. It didn’t bother me. But when I woke up this morning I was feeling a little yucky. So back to the liquids!! I call the Dr’s office on August 1st to set up an appt. for a cat scan to see if my panc. duct is dilated enough to do the Puestow. I am not sure that I want to do that, but know that I probably can’t live on liquids for the rest of my life either. I just wish I could find someone that could put all of that in perspective for me. Other than that I am very busy right now. I’m sorry to hear that you are still suffering so much.

For Laura, I’m sorry to hear that you to have been suffering so much. Please know that I will be praying for you and Mrs. Barb today as well as the others on our site.

Keep the Faith and God Bless,