
I’m having a second short synacthen test in a few days. I was wondering if anyone could advise me on something before I see the doctor.

I’ve been suffering from excessive fatigue, diarrhoea (sp?) and abdominal pains for a few years. I’ve noticed the similarity between some symptoms and addisons. Until recently I didn’t really have the tanning, but that seems to have increased over the last 6 months. I’m very dark haired and pale skinned with freckles.What people see is the dark hair, so any extra tan is noticeable to me, but not to doctors who haven’t seen me before. The backs of my hands have got gradually darker over the last few years. I have a yellow/ grey bruise coloured line around my neck and waist where trouser waist band touches. The palms of my hands are a yellowish brown colour. Still pale but not the blueish white they were. I’ve cleaned these ares but they still look dirty. There is no white patch where the rings go that I always wear when out in the sun (we get about 3 hours a year here so a tan would be very odd on me). The most obvious brown is around my nail cuticles.

Anyway, my question, is this normal? Should the tan be the same with everyone regardless of normal skin tone or does it depend on your own usual melanin levels. I would like it noted that I have never had a tan before so I don’t know what’s normal.

I don’t think the skin changes naturally from one that didn’t tan in the past to one that does. All the things really sound like Addison’s. Do you get dizzy when you stand or see stars? Do you also get sick to the stomach pretty frequently? When you go outside in bright light, does it seem extreemly bright and does bright light bother you? If you take your blood pressure lying down and then stand up and take it again, is it lower standing? Do you suffer with hypoglycemia and maybe now you really are not hungry anymore? Is your sleep really bad or do you sleep all the time?


I have hypoglycaemia (sp?) and feel frequently sick. Especially when I’m very tired. I get frequent dizzy spells. Sometimes when I stand or when I’m walking I feel like I must make a concious effort to keep myself upright. I eat salty foods a lot.

The problem is that I already had a synacthen test but Addison’s was ruled out by a doctor. Not an endo. The baseline cortisol reading was quite high but there was very little change at the post acth reading. I’ve been pushing for a second test for 18 months and just over the last 6 months the tan has really become noticeable. Addison’s seems to be the only thing that matches so many of the symptoms I have. I just noticed how dark the soles of my feet are. Almost orange and yellow streaks. As I live alone, I don’t have anyone to compare with and my family think I’m a hypochondriac so I’ve given up discussing it with them. Starting to feel like thy might be right while hassling doctors.