TENS unit or implanted unit

Davana mentioned she has used one . I have also used them off and on for 20 years. I think they are great. The problem I have is that the adhesive patches that you hold the unit on with takes my skin off. Any suggestions? Also, has anyone had a unit implanted in their spine?

I love my tens unit, I love my tens unit, I love my tens unit…

Double Ditto, I love my tens unit too. I never leave home without mine!!!

question: What’s a tens unit? And what does it do?

It looks like a little portable radio. You can put it in your bra or clip it on your belt if you have a waist. Wires come out which are attatched to the unit and you put the little pads on where you hurt most. The pads can be different sizes from about “2” to a larger one for our lower back. An electrical shock is carried from the battery operated unit to your skin. You can adjust the intensity and your pain receptors are kept busy registering the shocks so it can’t transmit pain. They are great but you can only use it on a small area and the pads have to be glued to your skin. I have sensitive skin and the adhesive takes my skin off. You can get a RX from your doctor or buy it yourself. Try it you will like it. TENS stands for transdermal electrical stimulation or something like that I think. It is pronounced TINS but spelled Tens. I would need to be covered in pads as my pain is so widespread. I used to use two wires and affixed one to each side of my butt where my pain is the worst. It does not cure DD but it helps a little. Hugs to All

thanks, i will look into getting one.


To help stop the gel pads taking your skin of you could place a small amount of water based gel on the pad or on area of skin that the pad is to stick to,you can buy this very cheap in pharmicies or go to the place you purchased your tens machine if possible, find it in the same area


Thanks Helena…I have used the electrode jell. But when I was working it was hard to get the pads to stay on and they would come off and then I walked around with wires hanging from my clothes. I sweat a lot expecially in the summer. I hate to have to wear a bra all the time so I have some place to put the TINs unit,
It is still helpfull. Thanks and Hugs, Grandmother Sylvia