Hi Friends,
Today I feel little better. It’s been a while it’s going on like this - on and off pain almost every week. When it got worse by that time I was totally exhausted and couldn’t do anything.
Yes, I agree I give suggestions when someone is in pain but when I’m in pain it is hard to remember all the things to do and also just like you guys want support I need support too, don’t you think so? Just because I try to give information or tell anything from my experience it doesn’t mean that I’m beyond suffering and I have become a ‘Pain specialist’ and don’t need any support or some good encouraging words from the friends who care about me.
Nancy you asked me to come for Chat but by that time I had so much pain medication and definitely didn’t have strength to sit and chat with you and get suggestions to feel better. Thanks for the idea though. It’s the idea that counts. It would’ve been nicer instead of asking me to come to chat just say whatever you wanted to say in that mail. I’m not criticizing you, I’m just saying that when a person is going through so much pain, nausea, lot of stress, lot of pain, breakthrough pain medication - I don’t think people in those conditions won’t be able to sit down and chat.
Chats are ok when not many people are having serious pain problems and available, to get to know each other and to encourage each other too. It’s a wonderful idea. I’m glad you came up with it. Thanks for your offer to help but I’m sorry I couldn’t sit down and chat with you that night. It was a very hard night for the whole family.
I thank all the friends who understood my pain and suggested some things to try or just to take it easy and prayed for me to feel better.
Some people who were concerned were sending pvt messages and also my direct emails, Thanks for your concern guys. You guys are terrific. I’m feeling little better for now, hope it continues.
I’m sorry I didn’t had any strength to sit and send replies. I used to check messages sometimes whenever I used to get up to take medication and sometimes I couldn’t even see them for couple of days. My husband was busy in his work that’s why he couldn’t even reply to your messages.
Today because I’m feeling little better he went to Office to make up the hrs he missed and finish the piled up work. We are lucky that his office staff is very understanding and flexible. I have to thank him for being so patient even when I burst out with emotional stress.
I love you all and please remember I’m here to listen to you and let me know whenever you think I can do something for you all guys. I like to help but sorry couldn’t be on online too much because of my own health problems. I hope this time gives me a long break, (it’s not gone totally, feeling little better and hope it goes away) so that I can keep in touch.
I’ll send pvt messages to the friends slowly. Be patient with me guys.
You are all wonderful and I’m proud of this wonderful group. It has good support system and we should keep going on!
Lots of love and hugs,