The truth about 911-A free dvd I got from VERMONT!

While in Burlington, VT for the Guts & Glory Walkathon, I spent six hours in the city afterward. I ended up parking my butt on a park bench right across from a man with a table of FREE DVDs. He had a big sign on the front of his table that said…GREEN/NADER.

We sat in front of this guy for nearly a half hour before deciding to go see what he had. We got the last dvd this guy burned for hte day and he wasn’t going home until every last copy was gone. After bringing it home, and watching it, NOW I SEE WHY!!!

You owe it to yourself to watch this dvd. I am offering copies I am making myself to send to people.

This video is the TRUTH about 911 and trust me, you won’t be sorry you watched it.

My friend has taken the time to make a link and save me time and effort in gettting others to watch it.

Below is the link. Please dedicate some time to viewing this film. It was done for our sake, our safety and awareness.

Please watch!