The use of neupogen

Will be starting neupogen and wondering about side effects and dosage

Hi, Lennie you were talking about neopegen, for me their were no side affects. Neopegon is a white blood cell builder ,i guess they will give this to you because the red blood cells are eating up the white ones, thats why they are going to give you the neopegon to help ypur immune system. god bless &keep hanging in their, for there is hope . don’t be so hard on your self,for i have went through 2 treatments with no responce and am waiting for them to come up with something else for me to take. They have a new drug out and it is called albferon but it’s only for frist time treatement. I look and ask anyone that might know of anything that might help me with my hep-c. I talk to my hep-c nurses at least 2 times aweek , they help me get through alot of stress,depression ect… myself i try to eat healthy,my bigest problem is the heat my body won’t let me over do it cause my liver swells up and have to take acouple of days off from work. I l;ive pretty close to the univesity of florida thats where i do a lot of calling to get updates on what programs they have avalible and like all the reserch people tell me that there is a cure for the hep-c in the next 8 to 10 yrs. Takr Care & and may god be on your side, rockman

This is for Lennie & Rockman,
I suppose it will only go to Rockman, so if you can please forward this to Lennie. I can’t figure out the intricacies of this site yet!
I have been through 100 + weeks of therapy. 48 wks. of Peg-Intron/Riba, 52 wks. of Infergen/Riba and 12 wks. of Pegasys. It appears that my body will not respond to Interferons. I am now going to Shands Hospital in Gainesville & they are considering a procedure called Plasmaphereis. I don’t know alot about it, only that They take the red blood cells out and either replace them with other’s red blood cells or clean my own & replace.
These Interferons are the roughest treatment & I know I don’t need to tell you all that. But, they are very dangerous also. They have left me with many side effects, I guess the worse would be Neuropathy. My legs, feet and hands go numb constantly & I have fallen 16 times. I also am completely fatigued all the time, have no short term memory and on & on. But, I like everyone else was willing to try to rid myself on the Hep. I am F, Hep C, Stage 3, Grade 4, with beginning cirrhosis.
As for the Neupogen, I did not take this, but I did take something the same as, and for the life of me, I can’t think what it was! I started therapy in 2002, and my last treatment ended in Aug., 2006.
Their are new drugs on the horizon & it appears that VX950 is looking good, but 2-3 yr’s out. I am going to wait for a less invasive drug. Alot of people do clear on the treatments available and I am extremely happy for them, knowing what they went through. If you haven’t tried the web-site, take time to give it a look. Their are lots of people with good info there! Good luck to both of you.

Thanks for the info and the encouragement. I have started the neupogen and as Rockman mentioned, really no side effects except my muscles ached! As if I don’t have enough aches and pains. But I try to stay positive. I am still working, but I have cut back on that “gung-ho” attitude and coming in first and staying late. I believe I owe myself this time to make my self well. As sjl and rockman mentioned, taking care of oneself is important.

Every now and then I get a wild hair and read the latest research on hep c. There are several new drugs coming out, one by a company that specializes in allergies. i believe hep c drugs will be gathering steam as the drug companies realized that there is great potential in creating a cure. Hep C is no longer a problem of the few, but of the many.

sjl, would you believe one of my friends discovered he had hep c 15 yrs after retiring from the military. He contracted in the 60’s during his tours in Vietnam from a blood transfusion. He died last year at the age of 83 from a heart attack. For some reason, even though he had cirrihois, he had little symptoms and lived a full life. That man gave me inspiration! He said that after those tours in Vietnam and Korea, he knew he was a survivor and would live like one. Never give in to despair or to defeat. Well enough of my ramblings. I shall go back to researching about those new medications.

Hi Lennie. I finished treatment with Peg and coPeg a bit over a year ago. What I remember is that the Nupagen made my bones ache - all over - especially my spine and skull - was kinda weird - but it sure brought my counts up. The only other thing about it I didn’t like was the size of the needles - and it being one more shot - trying to find a new place. I’m glad you are doing so well on it and wish you all the best.

I have been virus free since my first blood test at end of first month - and still am 20 some months later - yahoo - so hang in there - it can get a bit harder as time goes on - keep really really hydrated - I think they should hydrate you every month when you go in for your appt. - but not sure they realize the damage dehyrdration on this level can do.

I did 2 years of naturopathic treatment and accupuncture and brought my virus down from 15 million to 800 thousand before I started the interferon/ribavarin treatment.

Love and energy to each of you out there doing the Naturopathic thing waiting for a less toxic treatment - I would have waited longer if my numbers hadn’t turned sour on the enzymes.

And to everyone going through the treatment - I send love and hope and energy as well.

In love and light

Patsy B

may we all fight the good fight in any manner that we choose
defeating the dragon is the goal
who cares how?

I had no reaction to neupogen at all, however, getting healthier seeemed to get the virus stronger, being iron defiecient and low on oxygen and wbc, neutophiles, in the teens ~ seem a good environment for the ole dragon but not me…
I am going through horrbile stommach cramps right now and nausea just awful geting interferon out of my body as well as ribaavirin
I’m too tired to correct those sorry
glad I have yall around
be cool
hug one another,

I think during tx when my counts dropped I was given I think epogen must be same thing.yes! because I remember them saying something abt red/white cells. this is the one you take injection in stomach right? I had to be taken off tx all together it was poison to my system. I went blind, lost my hair, weight and mind put in mental hospitol, it was a nite mare. I am left with depression,fibrmyalgia,foggy thinking…joint pains BUT I remain hopeful for a new tx or cure what else can we do. one day at a time and make the best of it. I volunteer here n there! just gotta stay optimistic, things could always be worse! there are alot more hepc personal pages than 2yrs ago and I am on a few groups out there! thank God for the net!keep on keepin on! luv, vew459