Things i do to aid in my recovery

I took some steps to help with my recovery. I drive a different rout to where i need to go so that i don’t pass the liquor store. I do not under any circumstances let alcohol enter my house. I do not participate in conversations containing alcohol or drugs. I sit it out. if i get quizzes on my computer talking about myself that contains drug or alcohol related material, i will usually not answer them,or say that i am a recovering drug and alcohol addict. Little steps in my life to help me stay away and not think about wanting it.I make it as easy as possible to stay away. I quit being friends with all my old “friends” because they don’t support me and my decision. They only wanted to get me back drinking and smoking. They wanted to use me. I got the support of my family and husband. I surround myself with those who will support me. And most importantly i go to AA meetings. Right now i go everyday. It is very important to go to them. Tomorrow will be a full week going to AA meetings. I am just starting a new healthy and sober chapter in my life. A road still a little bumpy but i am on the right road.Good luck to those just starting on that road.xoxox