This is the internet, don't be scared

I was told that people were scared to go to the forum to express themselves. This is the internet people, you can be yourself here. Yeah, there are a few asses that like to put on a show on the internet to hide the fact that they have no control in their real lives but you don’t let them spoil this forum or any other forum for you. You have freedom of speech. If people don’t agree with you, they don’t. But don’t let anyone hinder you from enjoying the board. That’s all.

thank you kenkie…i’ve been trying to communicate that exactly all week…but somehow i don’t think i was heard…or maybe understood for that matter…

i know the majority of us here are women and I know how a bunch of women can be…but it’s really rediculous here lately!!!

Kenkie said it best…this is the internet!!!

Right, people can agree to disagree. Yeah, I get mad at times and call people names but, to the people that I actually am cool with, I apologize. I mean, we just had a disagreement. I’ve got friends in real life that I will have a big argument with, we wait a week or a couple of days to cool down, and then we talk again.

KenKie… its not that easy for all of us.

I know myself if someone is cruel to me… it just sends me into all my childhood issues, I was severely bullied (and bashed) at school which in some ways I think to this day Im still traumatized. If anyone is nasty, I get upset. I CANT handle anyone fighting or arguing about me as I find it quite distressing.

A few people at another site teased me about A MONTH AGO now and Im STILL SICK from this. The upset from that caused my immune system to go down, leaving me open to illness, so within 24 hrs I developed a croup like cough. (Im too unwell and sick for my body to be able to deal with any kind of stress). Im still coughing at night now a month later (with a risk Im going to develop bronchitis and end up sicker).
This was all just cause some people were mean to me a month ago…and Im still trying to physically recover form it.

I hardly come to this site no more. Not cause Ive been teased here, but cause I cant stand to see other people paid out. It like tears me apart inside seeing anyone being hurt by another. I associate the one being hurt with my own emotional hurt in past… so it cuts me too and then just goes on affecting my physical condition (along with everything else).

Cause Im meant to avoid any stressful situations and that its very important that I do so, as it affects my immune system and all my other body systems with my illness, Im much safer hanging out in more supportive sites, where people are never paid out, where no manner of being purposely negative to another is ever tolleranted in any way.

There are sites like that and Im involved in a few of those. They are the sites which are going to help me.

To be here is really to be putting my health at risk due to the things which have gone on at times. It’s a pity its like this… (I havent been here for a while, so have no idea how it is now…but the past did really put me off of coming here so I dont much).

Tania - it’s great to see your post, and I wanted to let you know that I understand your well written response… people should not try to harm each other, but they do - and many times, it’s intentional. I dislike the very things you mentioned that have happened, and continue to happen. You should never put your health at risk for any reason. Support is what this site (and others like it) is supposed to be about, and when it ceases to be that for any member, they should not be a part of what causes them harm in any fashion. We are all different, and while that is common knowledge, understanding that fact, accepting it, and being respectful of differences is apparently not as common. Take care of yourself, I hope you find healthier and more peaceful times SOON. :slight_smile: I have missed your wisdom, but understand your need to be safer and more healthy away from here - I don’t question that you are doing what is best and healthiest for you. Take care!

In spite of the arrows I had to pull out of my hide , I love CarePlace and its members. We are all misunderstood at times and its ok. If occasionally some one gets her or his feelings hurt ,try to get over it and tend to the business at hand. Which is the wellness of careplace and its members. Lets not let bitter yesterdays spoil the beauty of today.As KenKie says crap happens, but lets not carry it around in a bucket. It weighs our souls down. We can,t serve others if are feet are stuck in a rut. Sincerely gramms

Deear friends, where is Not Dead ? I,m missing her presence here. I hope she hasn,t left. Has anyone heard from her? luv, gramms

Hi Everyone, I too am a little “thin skinned,” and can get myself into a “funk” just because of wha someone said to me, or didn’t say to me when I thought they should have. (like a hello) But on the other hand, I’ve been told we can only be hurt by what people say to us, or even about us if we allow them to hurt us. We are responsible for the way we feel. We are the ones that allow their snotty remarks hurt us. We can take our power back by not letting those remarks leave it’s ugly damage on us. When we have had a ugly childhood that has really been traumatic on us; it is very difficult to move on and grow! But I know from my own experience, as long as I let my childhood dictate my feelings, I will never grow to the person I can be. I finally had to get help with my feelings from my childhood and try to moved past. I can’t say it has all been smooth sailing since, because it hasn’t. At times I still have a problem with my childhood, and a 19 yr. marriage of abuse. But every time I am able to take my own power and be responsible for my own feelings, I grow!