Thoughts on HRT

Here’s the deal guys or should I say girls, how about both. I’m interested in everyone’s opinions on doing hormone replacement therapy/addback or HRT. I’m currently on it now with my lupron, but I will be off it for the next six weeks prior to my surgery because of dysfunctional bleeding. Any thoughts as to whether to do it post hysto? I will be having a complete hysto. I know that some of the ladies on here have had this done, and might be of assistance.

Thanks for the help in advance! You are all a wonderful group to be around.


Who is your doctor? Is your DR a real doc? Like one who really has a license? By now you have already had the hysterectomy and while I am hoping your pain does not come back, all doctors do or at least should know that the medical profession has accepted the fact that hystero’s do NOTHING. Once the tissue is out of the uterus and latches on something it will never stop growing. Its hormonally induced…harmones come from the brain. But what do I know? I have only spent the last 5 years traveling to the best doctors…here is the secret. No one knows how to cure it.