Tired of being bored? Season has you down?

Photographic Safari of Africa

Join us here at Careplace for another wonderful Vacation Adventure.
Into the Wilds of Africa we will travel by Land Rover, by foot, and on the backs of elephants. We will see the wild animals in their natural habitat, we will meet Tribes whose cultures are different from our own.
Bring your Dreams, Your Desires, Your Imagination
(there are no time constraints, money issues, or personal issues to worry about)

We depart New York and land

We need to think about packing stuff too. And we need to pick a travel vehicle or tents or something where we are staying, maybe pictures on a pic album of a fabulous hotel we can put it in Africa it’s our world, right??? with free massueses and chiropractors. Everyone could make an AFRICAN SAFARI album and as we go they can put in pics of things they see or do at the hotel or people they meet, etc. Let’s just make this the wildest imaginary trip ever

Hey there ittybitty, How was your trip to Africa ??? I didn’t know one was going on, I missed it allll. ( wipes tears and buggers on sleeve ) I would of loved to ride some of the animals. rode a cow as a child but never an elephant. Alwys wished I had me a giant lion , to scratch their nose. Was there any orangatange painting the stripes on them there horseys? . Geeeee whiz I sure wish I knew ( shuffles feet ) . When is your next adventure ? Can I pick the place? Please Please Pretty Pllleeease ???

ittybitty-- love that pic! LOL!!