Like everyone here on this disorder we are all eager for a cure. If only…one day maybe.
None-the-less I will touch on subjects @ various times or when I have a moment or two to post.
What I do post is purely my own experiences of TMAU. (I have TMAU2).
You are not alone, there are others. You’re not crazy and yes I believe you.
There is an array of areas to manage this disorder. Bare-in-mind each one of us has a differing medical history, geographic location, cultural differences and of course our environmental situations etc.
The one thing that brings us together is the core problem of TMAU. The level of severity differs for each one of us. Some of us have mild symptoms and others, severe. Some long term, I myself have had it short term. Importantly is to recognise the most “common” issues/symptoms and then take steps on how best you manage TMAU.
Common symptoms:
1 Bard breath, 2 fishy/fecal odour, 3 offensive smell 4 Sweating 5 Obsessive cleanliness (showers) 5 Anxiety/Depression and thoughts of suicide 5 Shunned by coworkers, abused, ignored, sacked from job to name but a few. Sound familiar?
Note: There is NO quick fixit pill if you are looking for one. If there is a solution for one, it may not necessarily be the same for another - you can but try. There is however an array of forum sites, several Research centres/organisations, stacks of research papers on the net from around the world for you to choose. “Knock yourself out!” (At least I still have a sense of humor).
Anyhow…enough for now. Try to keep your head up. Smiled at the world and it will back to you. GM