Well, it has been seven years now that I was fired from my 15 year job as a RN at a hospital in Rockville, MD, and I have nightmares to this day.
My depression was getting worse, and I didn’t even realize it. I could get NO help from anyone when I was fired in June of 2000. After I admitted my depression, things became immediately worse for me. My head nurse got permission to speak with my shrink, to know my medicines, etc. I filed a complaint with the EEOC, and they never got back to me. I could never get money after being fired either, as it was,",my fault,". I just feel I was shafted.
I know I made mistakes, but my depression was to blame. I looked for 16 weeks for work, and never found anything, and felt I was being black balled by the hospital that I worked for for 15 years.
Is there anything I can do now? It isn’t fair the way I was treated. I had a lawsuit in which I did everything right, and I was NEVER thanked by the hospital! I never got to say goodbye to the nurses I worked with either! None of the things I did right ever got noticed, only the mistakes.
I have never felt so ashamed, humiliated. And I know many other nurses got fired, as I saw proof of this. I feel I was discriminated against because of my depression. I would just like to get revenge on them. No lawyer is interested. Someone said if I could prove they were doing this,“blackballing,” I could sue for emotional and punitive damages. I did not have money then to see a disability lawyer.
If anyone has been through this and had resolution I would like to know. The only thing I am thinking of doing is hiring a private investigator for them.
Do you think it is worth it? I would like to get back at them for my pain & suffering!! As it is still ongoing! The State Board of Nursing would side with the hospital! They would do nothing either! I have a lot of trouble letting things go!