I live in St. Paul, MN. I am 37 years old and a year ago was diagnosised with Hashimoto’s and am taking Armour Thyroid. I am the mother to 4 children, and my oldest 19 has Bi-polar and my 15 year old son has Type 1 Diabetes. Stress is a everyday thing in my life and I have been trying for the past 2 months to get rid of as much stress in my life. But for the past month I have been expierencing severe nausea along with lower back pain, almost in the kidney area, but I had a urine test done and its not a kidney infection. Also I have off and on stomach pains, which at times are severe, along with my legs just ache severely. I crave salty chips and salty foods almost daily, and have uncontrollable thirst at times where it seems nothing quenches it. I feel completley wiped out and tired all the time, I have no energy to do anything, and I get lightheaded and dizzy spells alot. And for the past 3 days I have gotten headaches. And on and off between constipation and diarhea
I see an Endo doc for my Hashimoto’s thyroid and he says I have signs of Addisons but I don’t have the tan color skin, so he did do a blood cortisol test a year ago and one this month.
Last years 23
this years 10.1
I am tired of feeling this way, and feel as though I am slowly dying. I want to feel better and am searching for others from minnesota that can offer advice on what docs they know that do the testing and helped them the most. Also is there any other kind of doctor or person that can diagnosis addisons. I thought maybe a urologistseeing that the adrenals sit on top of the kidneys, but they won’t see me with my symptoms either. So any advice is appreciated.
Thank you So Much