Trying to help my boyfriend understand my depression

When I first told my boyfriend I was depressed he was like “oh you have just been having a few bad weeks”. Then when I told him I was going on medicine, I think he understood and said things like “oh im here if you ever need to talk”. So I started telling him things about how I’m feeling and what I am going through, but he just doesn’t understand. Today he told me, “Suck it up. I have been listening to you complain and complain. The only person who can fix your problems is YOU”. So I tried to explain that depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, so it’s not my fault I am feeling like this. I just don’t think he gets it. I know it is hard for people who have never been depressed to understand what it is like, but he is a really great guy and I don’t want to lose him because of my struggle with depression.

i have had exactly the same problem, and my boyfriend broke up with me last night because of it. Apparently I worry too much and he can’t deal with it anymore. Hurts more because i am starting counselling so would have thought he’d have been there to support me. But he only wanted a bit of fun, even after a year and a half :frowning: not quite sure if i really am better of with out him. Like your partner, he told me to sort myself out, which isn’t the kind of help you really need!