Unbearable Kidney Pain

Hello Everyone. I’m new to this site and am Greatful to find a Community of Folks who are willing to help or lend a hand with my Problem.:slight_smile: I have went for over a year without work due to Horrible Back and Kidney Pain due to several Kidney surgeries. I and my Family are on the brink of financial ruin and I can’t seem to find a Doctor or Health Care Provider to Help me manage the Pain so I might be able to at least contribute to my Families income. I’m at wits end and would be Eternally Graetful for any Help you all could provide.

how are you managing your pain now??? is it adhesions from the surgeries or something more? I would definately agree with sue and look into disability. See what other kind of financial help you may be entitled to thru the state etc… you deserve it, that’s what it’s there for, even though that can be a hard step to take. (been there done that…) keep in touch!

Thanx Sue and Mommy! I’ll definately try a Anesthesiologist if I can. Another problem I’m facing is my State Medicaid coverage ends this month andI’ll have to self pay for any more doctor visits or procedures. Recently my wife graduated as a Licensed Practical Nurse and works at a Retirement center. That’s why my medical coverage is ending. It’s bad because if She were to buy into the benefit package at work we couldn’t make it at all financially. Unfortunately L.P.N.'s don’t make much money where I’m located. I go Friday to my Family doctor and am going to discuss Pain Management with him so that maybe I can hold a small job at a Gas station or something so we can take the Med coverage my Wife has at work. Thanx guys for you’re compassion and help. It’s great to know there are people left in the world that honestly care. :slight_smile:

brick have you tried your County Assistance office for some help with the medical bills?the state I live in helped me with mine. best of luck roll

lol…hmm Im not talking about welfare spelling lol guess im just lucky to live in a state where i did get help. hope something works out for ya

I don’t know where you’re from…but i’m an lpn too…Fortunately, i found a job when i first graduated (10 years ago…man i feel old) and ended up talking a position a few years ago where I work 2 12 hour shifts on the weekends and make full time wages, i also am going to pick up some agency work during the week (you know in all my spare time… and if my back can handle it…lol) and they pay very well. That is terrible about the health insurance. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt for your wife to look around for something else…even if they would pay a bit less and pick up more toward benefits or have better coverage it might be worth it. make sure who ever you end up with for health insurance doesn’t classify it as “pre-existing”. thoughts and prayers are with you. hopefully the anesthesiolist can help manage your pain.