Hi everyone, Well, I had those weird pains in my upper abs that would radiate through my chest, ribs, jaw, and back. Had x-ray and HIDA scan for gallbladder and everything came back normal. I have been trying Acupuncture also.
I went and seen another GI specialist who actually sounded like he knew what I was talking about!! He said I have Mild Vigorous Achalasia, and that Doctors are now starting to NOT recommend the Myotomy from the start. He would recommend the pneumatic dilation before the myotomy (at least in my case). I said that the last specialist I seen 5 years ago, said that the myotomy was the permanent fix, but from the support group I have heard of many having multiple myotomys. He said 5 years ago that is what they thought but are now learning it is not always the best way to treat A.
I am still having this burning and stabbing pain in stomach that radiates everywhere so they have now put me on Prilosec 20mg in morning and pepcid 20mg at night to see if the pain returns. (seems like I am always an experiment with everyone) One doctor even said “Sometimes people just have unexplained pain” This is not a pain that I am able to function with and feel like I am going to go crazy when I have it. No one has offered any pain meds due to the fact they do not know what is going on.
If any part of this story rings a bell, and you happen to think you have the answer, I am all ears!!
Thanks for your help