Viral Load

Well I got great news and some not so great news. First of all i saw my Dr and he’s very pleased with my bloodwork. Seems that my viral load is down to a whopping 50!!! And my HIV t- Cells are holding steady . Not easy with being co-infected.
Now the not so good news…My viral load will have to maintain at 50 for the next 300( yeap you saw right) , 300 days ! If they drop any then it’s back to the starting line alllll over again with a tougher regiment. But I shall trust God that whatever will be will be according to His plans. And his plans have awesome results !!!

Now I also have a question…I was at a major family re-union and did have a few drinks, how much can a one time thing hinder a situation?

I was TOLD alcohol negates the meds but only while your body is metabolizing the alcohol. This is very second hand information.
Wish I knew more River

Well it was just plain stupid of me to go and celebrate a family event with some drinks. Especially when I know I can’t have just one and any more is just not going to cut it. Especially now when it is a must for my viral load to stay where it is for another 10months or its back to the starting gate . As in monoply , do not pass go nor collect 200dollars.

sending you major big ((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))
just 'cause I luv ya!