Visit to my gp today

i went to see my gp today as i have been experiancing what i believed was side effects from comming straight off antidepressants and onto tegretol retard.i’ve been having probs with my co ordination going dizzy etc but he got got nasty and said it was just anxiety and nothing to do with my meds or my bi polar.
i got another problem my partner gets mad at me .today we went shopping and because we couldn’t agree on silly things she just got mad and after raising her voice to me just walked out of the store leaving our trolley of goods i felt lost and scared so i just walked out too part of me was angry .but it didn’t end there she wouldn’t drive home just kept driving around i kept asking her to take me home but she wouldn’t even answer me it was freaking me out.
when i have these episodes she won’t just let it go she carries it on by hardly talking to me and when she does it’s so cold.she says she wants to support me and help but i have noticed that when i’m on my own i’m pretty much ok but when she is around well the only way i can describe it is i feel although she is provoking me into rows.
my family won’t believe i have bi polar they can’t understand or accept it.
my girlfriend said i shouldn’t join sites like this as they only make me worse but you folks are the only people i’ve got who are willing to listen and help when you can,and you have helped me so much .
why is my g/f being like this she keeps saying i am the sufferer and she is the victim which makes me feel so bad.

Hi sorry it dosen’t sound like too great of a day for you. First of all I personally don’t see how being on this site could be a bad thing for you at all. Sometimes it’s easier to talk to people that are away from the situation ya know?nobody wants to feel isolated. Secondly, maybe she does feel like a victim sometimes, it can be hard no doubt. But at the same time, she dosen’t have to let herself become a victim. You can’t help being who you are, I’m sure if there was a magic switch to turn of the illness you would have done that. Just know that you are not completely responsible for how she is feeling all of the time

Hi Shauni
I suspect she is reacting to fear; fear of the unknown.
She doesn’t uderstand bipolar, and maybe she doesn’t want to understand it either. If that is the case, then you need to find support where you can. At least you aren’t going to “someone’s elses bed” for support. But you my friend, also need to relax, as you aren’t totally responsible for your behavior when your meds are messed up; however, don’t let that become an excuse for inappropriate behavior. We bipolars are sometimes in a “catch 22” as even though we may not be using it for an excuse, it may “feel” that way to our spouses. (and even families). This comes from them not understanding the illness in the first place; and an unwillingness to learn.
You may have to lay hints around with brochures; or pamphlets on bipolar. But remember, just because we have bipolar that doesn’t mean we understand the illness, the reason why we need to do research and learn as much as we can. There are even books that helps us to talk to our families whether they want to support us or not.
No one in their right minds would want to have the behavior we do when we are manic or even depressed. So the more informed we are of our illness, the more information we can give to them; and hopefully the more it will help us be able to say what we need to say to them.
ps. if there is many mistakes in this, I apologize, but my cat is laying on the hand that types, lol

Some people do see sites like this as making a person feel worse. What they don’t understand is how alone and out-of-place a person with BP feel usually feels.

I believe society attaches a larger stigma to BP and schizophrenia as opposed to other mental illneses such as clinical depression (unipolar depression) or anxiety Even in today’s world there are still tv shows and movies where people who are BP or schiz. are depicted as being violent or as commiting some “crime.” Various studies have shown that a person with BP is more likely to be a victim of violence than act violenly toward a person. I don’t believe i’ve ever seen a show on tv that had a person with depression go off the handle and perform some violent crime.

I do think seeing other people who have been called a “bad girl” can come to realize they aren’t the only ones who has been treated like they’re somehow “bad.”

However, there is also the concept of “triggering” to take into consideration. At some times reading or hearing something can cause a person who is on the verge of an episode to flip over into a full blown episode. It is also possible for a person who is experiencing long periods of suicidal ideation can move one step closer to the actual act.

On some other sites I’ve joined, a monitor will tag a thread as “triggering” or “may trigger” Of course, a lot of sites for mood disorders have some kind of mental illness health professional around to scan posts in mental health forums to identify those with potential harmful posts.


p.s. no where in this post do I mean to imply that people with Bipolar Disorder are in any way “sicker” than someone with Depression or Anxiety, or any other mood disorder.