Welcome to the Rheumatoid Arthritis Forum!

Welcome to the RA general discussion forum. Thank you for being a part of CarePlace and a valuable member of this forum. We hope you find this a caring and safe place to share and support one another!

Jen D, CarePlace

thankyou for your reponse, but I thought that you must see a consultant as this can affect eyes heart lungs, and so one

from waterhog

hi,thanx 4 the response,yeh some people do av to c a consultent but my mother never did because she was a nervious person and never liked visitin hospitals ect,however her cond was confirmed via blood test with her gp,whome them did give her inflammartory tabs 4 this,however this cond,did became worse over the years in later life causing deformerties of the joints.she sufferd a very lot of pain from thecond.however im sure if she would av met with a rheumotologist my sure the pain could av been made more bearable to cope with.

Hi Waterhog

R.A is a muscular skeletal disease, it shouldnt really affect the organs. If you think your mums organs are being effected. It would be best to have it checked out by a specialist. It may be something else. Lack of vitamins or minerals perhaps. They can do a blood test as well to check out what really going on, but i dont think the arthritis is causing it.


If you are suffering from Arthritis, I was in pain for 12 yrs.
I started taking an all natural juice that within 10 days my pain was gone, & my body could move again. All my inflammation was gone also. I would be happy to let anybody know about this product.

Hi Golden,

I would love to try out your juice recipe, any chance you can just post onto this forum so we can all view it?

Many thanks.

PS i set up a blog for arthritis sufferers. It provides general information about the condition and addresses areas of our lives that arthritis affects. Check it out. I would love to read your feedback on the blog.

Check out my blog. Let me know what you think.


Hi, I'm new here and just finding my way around.

I have RA and COPD which includes asthma,

and chronic bronchitis.  I hope to make friends

here.  Thanks for creating such a great place.